
特殊字符是指那些通过键盘打不出的字符,在网页中使用这些字符需要通过实体编码才能使用,编码方式包括:UNICODE、HEX CODE、HEX CODE、HTML ENTITY、CSS CODE;特殊字符普遍字号偏小,如有需要可追加font-size属性增大字号。


HTML 特殊符号编码有很多种 unicode、十六进位码(hex code),html 实体编码(entity code),还有我们熟知的 html 实体(html entity) ,为了在 css伪类的content 属性中使用,还有对应的 css code


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Left Arrow U+02190 ← ← ← 2190
Up Arrow U+02191 ↑ ↑ ↑ 2191
Right Arrow U+02192 → → → 2192
Down Arrow U+02193 ↓ ↓ ↓ 2193
North West Arrow U+02196 ↖ ↖ ↖ 2196
North East Arrow U+02197 ↗ ↗ ↗ 2197
South East Arrow U+02198 ↘ ↘ ↘ 2198
South West Arrow U+02199 ↙ ↙ ↙ 2199
Copyright Sign © U+000A9 © © © 0A9
Registered Trade Mark Sign ® U+000AE ® ® ® 0AE
Trade Mark Sign U+02122 ™ ™ ™ 2122
At Symbol @ U+00040 @ @ @ 040
Ampersand & U+00026 & & & 026
Check Mark U+02713 ✓ ✓ ✓ 2713
Degree Celsius U+02103 ℃ ℃   2103
Degree Fahrenheit U+02109 ℉ ℉   2109
Dollar Sign $ U+00024 $ $ $ 024
Cent Sign ¢ U+000A2 ¢ ¢ ¢ 0A2
Pound Sign £ U+000A3 £ £ £ 0A3
Euro Sign U+020AC € € € 20AC
Yen Sign ¥ U+000A5 ¥ ¥ ¥ 0A5
Indian Rupee Sign U+020B9 ₹ ₹   20B9
Ruble Sign U+020BD ₽ ₽   20BD
Yuan Character, in China U+05143 元 元   5143
Plus Sign + U+0002B + + + 02B
Minus Sign U+02212 − − − 2212
Multiplication Sign × U+000D7 × × × 0D7
Division Sign ÷ U+000F7 ÷ ÷ ÷ 0F7
Equal Sign = U+0003D = = = 03D
Not Equal To Sign U+02260 ≠ ≠ ≠ 2260
Less-Than Sign < U+0003C &#x3c; &#60; &lt; 03C
Greater-Than Sign > U+0003E &#x3e; &#62; &gt; 03E
Fraction One Quarter ¼ U+000BC &#xbc; &#188; &frac14; 0BC
Fraction One Half ½ U+000BD &#xbd; &#189; &frac12; 0BD
Fraction Three Quarters ¾ U+000BE &#xbe; &#190; &frac34; 0BE
Vulgar Fraction One Third U+02153 &#x2153; &#8531; &frac13; 2153
Vulgar Fraction Two Thirds U+02154 &#x2154; &#8532; &frac23; 2154
Vulgar Fraction One Eighth U+0215B &#x215B; &#8539; &frac18; 215B
Vulgar Fraction Three Eighths U+0215C &#x215C; &#8540; &frac38; 215C
Vulgar Fraction Five Eighths U+0215D &#x215D; &#8541; &frac58; 215D
Exclamation Mark ! U+00021 &#x21; &#33; &excl; 021
Question Mark ? U+0003F &#x3f; &#63; &quest; 03F
En Dash U+02013 &#x2013; &#8211; &ndash; 2013
Em Dash U+02014 &#x2014; &#8212; &mdash; 2014
Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark U+02039 &#x2039; &#8249; &lsaquo; 2039
Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark U+0203A &#x203A; &#8250; &rsaquo; 203A
Double Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark « U+000AB &#xab; &#171; &laquo; 0AB
Double Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark » U+000BB &#xbb; &#187; &raquo; 0BB


Left Arrow U+02190 &#x2190; &#8592; &larr; 2190
Up Arrow U+02191 &#x2191; &#8593; &uarr; 2191
Right Arrow U+02192 &#x2192; &#8594; &rarr; 2192
Down Arrow U+02193 &#x2193; &#8595; &darr; 2193
Left Right Arrow U+02194 &#x2194; &#8596; &harr; 2194
Up Down Arrow U+02195 &#x2195; &#8597; &varr; 2195
North West Arrow U+02196 &#x2196; &#8598; &nwarr; 2196
North East Arrow U+02197 &#x2197; &#8599; &nearr; 2197
South East Arrow U+02198 &#x2198; &#8600; &searr; 2198
South West Arrow U+02199 &#x2199; &#8601; &swarr; 2199
Left Arrow with Stroke U+0219A &#x219a; &#8602; &nlarr; 219A
Right Arrow with Stroke U+0219B &#x219b; &#8603; &nrarr; 219B
Left Wave Arrow U+0219C &#x219c; &#8604; &larrw; 219C
Right Wave Arrow U+0219D &#x219d; &#8605; &rarrw; 219D
Left Two Headed Arrow U+0219E &#x219e; &#8606; &Larr; 219E
Up Two Headed Arrow U+0219F &#x219f; &#8607; &Uarr; 219F
Right Two Headed Arrow U+021A0 &#x21a0; &#8608; &Rarr; 21A0
Down Two Headed Arrow U+021A1 &#x21a1; &#8609; &Darr; 21A1
Left Arrow with Tail U+021A2 &#x21a2; &#8610; &larrtl; 21A2
Right Arrow with Tail U+021A3 &#x21a3; &#8611; &rarrtl; 21A3
Left Arrow from Bar U+021A4 &#x21a4; &#8612; &mapstoleft; 21A4
Up Arrow from Bar U+021A5 &#x21a5; &#8613; &mapstoup; 21A5
Right Arrow from Bar U+021A6 &#x21a6; &#8614; &mapstoright; 21A6
Down Arrow from Bar U+021A7 &#x21a7; &#8615; &mapstodown; 21A7
Up Down Arrow with Base U+021A8 &#x21a8; &#8616;   21A8
Left Arrow with Hook U+021A9 &#x21a9; &#8617; &larrhk; 21A9
Right Arrow with Hook U+021AA &#x21aa; &#8618; &rarrhk; 21AA
Left Arrow with Loop U+021AB &#x21ab; &#8619; &larrlp; 21AB
Right Arrow with Loop U+021AC &#x21ac; &#8620; &rarrlp; 21AC
Left Right Wave Arrow U+021AD &#x21ad; &#8621; &harrw; 21AD
Left Right Arrow with Stroke U+021AE &#x21ae; &#8622; &nharr; 21AE
Down Zigzag Arrow U+021AF &#x21af; &#8623;   21AF
Up Arrow with Tip Left U+021B0 &#x21b0; &#8624; &lsh; 21B0
Up Arrow with Tip Right U+021B1 &#x21b1; &#8625; &rsh; 21B1
Down Arrow with Tip Left U+021B2 &#x21b2; &#8626; &ldsh; 21B2
Down Arrow with Tip Right U+021B3 &#x21b3; &#8627; &rdsh; 21B3
Right Arrow with Corner Down U+021B4 &#x21b4; &#8628;   21B4
Down Arrow with Corner Left U+021B5 &#x21b5; &#8629; &crarr; 21B5
Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow U+021B6 &#x21b6; &#8630; &cularr; 21B6
Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow U+021B7 &#x21b7; &#8631; &curarr; 21B7
North West Arrow to Long Bar U+021B8 &#x21b8; &#8632;   21B8
Left Arrow to Bar over Right Arrow to bar U+021B9 &#x21b9; &#8633;   21B9
Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow U+021BA &#x21ba; &#8634; &olarr; 21BA
Clockwise Open Circle Arrow U+021BB &#x21bb; &#8635; &orarr; 21BB
Left Harpoon with Barb Up U+021BC &#x21bc; &#8636; &lharu; 21BC
Left Harpoon with Barb Down U+021BD &#x21bd; &#8637; &lhard; 21BD
Up Harpoon with Barb Right U+021BE &#x21be; &#8638; &uharr; 21BE
Up Harpoon with Barb Left U+021BF &#x21bf; &#8639; &uharl; 21BF
Right Harpoon with Barb Up U+021C0 &#x21c0; &#8640; &rharu; 21C0
Right Harpoon with Barb Down U+021C1 &#x21c1; &#8641; &rhard; 21C1
Down Harpoon with Barb Right U+021C2 &#x21c2; &#8642; &dharr; 21C2
Down Harpoon with Barb Left U+021C3 &#x21c3; &#8643; &dharl; 21C3
Right Arrow over Left Arrow U+021C4 &#x21c4; &#8644; &rlarr; 21C4
Up Arrow Left of Down Arrow U+021C5 &#x21c5; &#8645; &udarr; 21C5
Left Arrow over Right Arrow U+021C6 &#x21c6; &#8646; &lrarr; 21C6
Left Paired Arrows U+021C7 &#x21c7; &#8647; &llarr; 21C7
Up Paired Arrows U+021C8 &#x21c8; &#8648; &uuarr; 21C8
Right Paired Arrows U+021C9 &#x21c9; &#8649; &rrarr; 21C9
Downards Paired Arrows U+021CA &#x21cA; &#8650; &ddarr; 21CA
Left Harpoon over Right Harpoon U+021CB &#x21cb; &#8651; &lrhar; 21CB
Right Harpoon over Left Harpoon U+021CC &#x21cc; &#8652; &rlhar; 21CC
Left Double Arrow with Stroke U+021CD &#x21cd; &#8653; &nlArr; 21CD
Left Right Double Arrow with Stroke U+021CE &#x21ce; &#8654; &nhArr; 21CE
Right Double Arrow with Stroke U+021CF &#x21cf; &#8655; &nrArr; 21CF
Left Double Arrow U+021D0 &#x21d0; &#8656; &lArr; 21D0
Up Double Arrow U+021D1 &#x21d1; &#8657; &uArr; 21D1
Right Double Arrow U+021D2 &#x21d2; &#8658; &rArr; 21D2
Down Double Arrow U+021D3 &#x21d3; &#8659; &dArr; 21D3
Left Right Double Arrow U+021D4 &#x21d4; &#8660; &hArr; 21D4
Up Down Double Arrow U+021D5 &#x21d5; &#8661; &vArr; 21D5
North West Double Arrow U+021D6 &#x21d6; &#8662; &nwArr; 21D6
North East Double Arrow U+021D7 &#x21d7; &#8663; &neArr; 21D7
South East Double Arrow U+021D8 &#x21d8; &#8664; &seArr; 21D8
South West Double Arrow U+021D9 &#x21d9; &#8665; &swArr; 21D9
Left Triple Arrow U+021DA &#x21da; &#8666; &lAarr; 21DA
Right Triple Arrow U+021DB &#x21db; &#8667; &rAarr; 21DB
Left Squiggle Arrow U+021DC &#x21dc; &#8668; &ziglarr; 21DC
Right Squiggle Arrow U+021DD &#x21dd; &#8669; &zigrarr; 21DD
Up Arrow with Double Stroke U+021DE &#x21de; &#8670;   21DE
Down Arrow with Double Stroke U+021DF &#x21df; &#8671;   21DF
Left Dashed Arrow U+021E0 &#x21e0; &#8672;   21E0
Up Dashed Arrow U+021E1 &#x21e1; &#8673;   21E1
Right Dashed Arrow U+021E2 &#x21e2; &#8674;   21E2
Down Dashed Arrow U+021E3 &#x21e3; &#8675;   21E3
Left Arrow to Bar U+021E4 &#x21e4; &#8676; &larrb; 21E4
Right Arrow to Bar U+021E5 &#x21e5; &#8677; &rarrb; 21E5
Left White Arrow U+021E6 &#x21e6; &#8678;   21E6
Up White Arrow U+021E7 &#x21e7; &#8679;   21E7
Right White Arrow U+021E8 &#x21e8; &#8680;   21E8
Down White Arrow U+021E9 &#x21e9; &#8681;   21E9
Up White Arrow from Bar U+021EA &#x21ea; &#8682;   21EA
Up White Arrow on Pedestal U+021EB &#x21eb; &#8683;   21EB
Up White Arrow on Pedestal with Horizontal Bar U+021EC &#x21ec; &#8684;   21EC
Up White Arrow on Pedestal with Vertical Bar U+021ED &#x21ed; &#8685;   21ED
Up White Double Arrow U+021EE &#x21ee; &#8686;   21EE
Up White Double Arrow on Pedestal U+021EF &#x21ef; &#8687;   21EF
Right White Arrow from Wall U+021F0 &#x21f0; &#8688;   21F0
North West Arrow to Corner U+021F1 &#x21f1; &#8689;   21F1
South East Arrow to Corner U+021F2 &#x21f2; &#8690;   21F2
Up Down White Arrow U+021F3 &#x21f3; &#8691;   21F3
Right Arrow with Small Circle U+021F4 &#x21f4; &#8692;   21F4
Down Arrow Left of Up Arrow U+021F5 &#x21f5; &#8693; &duarr; 21F5
Three Right Arrows U+021F6 &#x21f6; &#8694;   21F6
Left Arrow with Vertical Stroke U+021F7 &#x21f7; &#8695;   21F7
Right Arrow with Vertical Stroke U+021F8 &#x21f8; &#8696;   21F8
Left Right Arrow with Vertical Stroke U+021F9 &#x21f9; &#8697;   21F9
Left Arrow with Double Vertical Stroke U+021FA &#x21fa; &#8698;   21FA
Right Arrow with Double Vertical Stroke U+021FB &#x21fb; &#8699;   21FB
Left Right Arrow with Double Vertical Stroke U+021FC &#x21fc; &#8700;   21FC
Left Open-headed Arrow U+021FD &#x21fd; &#8701; &loarr; 21FD
Right Open-headed Arrow U+021FE &#x21fe; &#8702; &roarr; 21FE
Left Right Open-headed Arrow U+021FF &#x21ff; &#8703; &hoarr; 21FF
Up Quadruple Arrow U+027F0 &#x27F0; &#10224;   27F0
Down Quadruple Arrow U+027F1 &#x27F1; &#10225;   27F1
Anticlockwise Gapped Circle Arrow U+027F2 &#x27F2; &#10226;   27F2
Clockwise Gapped Circle Arrow U+027F3 &#x27F3; &#10227;   27F3
Right Arrow With Circled Plus U+027F4 &#x27F4; &#10228;   27F4
Long Left Arrow U+027F5 &#x27F5; &#10229; &xlarr; 27F5
Long Right Arrow U+027F6 &#x27F6; &#10230; &xrarr; 27F6
Long Left Right Arrow U+027F7 &#x27F7; &#10231; &xharr; 27F7
Long Left Double Arrow U+027F8 &#x27F8; &#10232; &xlArr; 27F8
Long Right Double Arrow U+027F9 &#x27F9; &#10233; &xrArr; 27F9
Long Left Right Double Arrow U+027FA &#x27FA; &#10234; &xhArr; 27FA
Long Left Arrow From Bar U+027FB &#x27FB; &#10235;   27FB
Long Right Arrow From Bar U+027FC &#x27FC; &#10236; &xmap; 27FC
Long Left Double Arrow From Bar U+027FD &#x27FD; &#10237;   27FD
Long Right Double Arrow From Bar U+027FE &#x27FE; &#10238;   27FE
Long Right Squiggle Arrow U+027FF &#x27FF; &#10239; &dzigrarr; 27FF
Right Two-Headed Arrow With Vertical Stroke U+02900 &#x2900; &#10496;   2900
Right Two-Headed Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke U+02901 &#x2901; &#10497;   2901
Left Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke U+02902 &#x2902; &#10498; &nvlArr; 2902
Right Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke U+02903 &#x2903; &#10499; &nvrArr; 2903
Left Right Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke U+02904 &#x2904; &#10500; &nvHarr; 2904
Right Two-Headed Arrow From Bar U+02905 &#x2905; &#10501; &Map; 2905
Left Double Arrow From Bar U+02906 &#x2906; &#10502;   2906
Right Double Arrow From Bar U+02907 &#x2907; &#10503;   2907
Down Arrow With Horizontal Stroke U+02908 &#x2908; &#10504;   2908
Up Arrow With Horizontal Stroke U+02909 &#x2909; &#10505;   2909
Up Triple Arrow U+0290A &#x290A; &#10506;   290A
Down Triple Arrow U+0290B &#x290B; &#10507;   290B
Left Double Dash Arrow U+0290C &#x290C; &#10508; &lbarr; 290C
Right Double Dash Arrow U+0290D &#x290D; &#10509; &rbarr; 290D
Left Triple Dash Arrow U+0290E &#x290E; &#10510; &lBarr; 290E
Right Triple Dash Arrow U+0290F &#x290F; &#10511; &rBarr; 290F
Right Two-Headed Triple Dash Arrow U+02910 &#x2910; &#10512; &RBarr; 2910
Right Arrow With Dotted Stem U+02911 &#x2911; &#10513; &DDotrahd; 2911
Up Arrow to Bar U+02912 &#x2912; &#10514; &UpArrowBar; 2912
Down Arrow to Bar U+02913 &#x2913; &#10515; &DownArrowBar; 2913
Right Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke U+02914 &#x2914; &#10516;   2914
Right Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke U+02915 &#x2915; &#10517;   2915
Right Two-Headed Arrow With Tail U+02916 &#x2916; &#10518; &Rarrtl; 2916
Right Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke U+02917 &#x2917; &#10519;   2917
Right Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke U+02918 &#x2918; &#10520;   2918
Left Arrow-Tail U+02919 &#x2919; &#10521; &latail; 2919
Right Arrow-Tail U+0291A &#x291A; &#10522; &ratail; 291A
Left Double Arrow-Tail U+0291B &#x291B; &#10523; &lAtail; 291B
Right Double Arrow-Tail U+0291C &#x291C; &#10524; &rAtail; 291C
Left Arrow to Black Diamond U+0291D &#x291D; &#10525; &larrfs; 291D
Right Arrow to Black Diamond U+0291E &#x291E; &#10526; &rarrfs; 291E
Left Arrow From Bar to Black Diamond U+0291F &#x291F; &#10527; &larrbfs; 291F
Right Arrow From Bar to Black Diamond U+02920 &#x2920; &#10528; &rarrbfs; 2920
North West and South East Arrow U+02921 &#x2921; &#10529;   2921
North East and South West Arrow U+02922 &#x2922; &#10530;   2922
North West Arrow With Hook U+02923 &#x2923; &#10531; &nwarhk; 2923
North East Arrow With Hook U+02924 &#x2924; &#10532; &nearhk; 2924
South East Arrow With Hook U+02925 &#x2925; &#10533; &searhk; 2925
South West Arrow With Hook U+02926 &#x2926; &#10534; &swarhk; 2926
North West Arrow and North East Arrow U+02927 &#x2927; &#10535; &nwnear; 2927
North East Arrow and South East Arrow U+02928 &#x2928; &#10536; &nesear; 2928
South East Arrow and South West Arrow U+02929 &#x2929; &#10537; &seswar; 2929
South West Arrow and North West Arrow U+0292A &#x292A; &#10538; &swnwar; 292A
Rising Diagonal Crossing Falling Diagonal U+0292B &#x292B; &#10539;   292B
Falling Diagonal Crossing Rising Diagonal U+0292C &#x292C; &#10540;   292C
South East Arrow Crossing North East Arrow U+0292D &#x292D; &#10541;   292D
North East Arrow Crossing South East Arrow U+0292E &#x292E; &#10542;   292E
Falling Diagonal Crossing North East Arrow U+0292F &#x292F; &#10543;   292F
Rising Diagonal Crossing South East Arrow U+02930 &#x2930; &#10544;   2930
North East Arrow Crossing North West Arrow U+02931 &#x2931; &#10545;   2931
North West Arrow Crossing North East Arrow U+02932 &#x2932; &#10546;   2932
Wave Arrow Pointing Directly Right U+02933 &#x2933; &#10547; &rarrc; 2933
Arrow Pointing Right Then Curving Up U+02934 &#x2934; &#10548;   2934
Arrow Pointing Right Then Curving Down U+02935 &#x2935; &#10549; &cudarrr; 2935
Arrow Pointing Down Then Curving Left U+02936 &#x2936; &#10550; &ldca; 2936
Arrow Pointing Down Then Curving Right U+02937 &#x2937; &#10551; &rdca; 2937
Right-Side Arc Clockwise Arrow U+02938 &#x2938; &#10552; &cudarrl; 2938
Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow U+02939 &#x2939; &#10553; &larrpl; 2939
Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow U+0293A &#x293A; &#10554;   293A
Bottom Arc Anticlockwise Arrow U+0293B &#x293B; &#10555;   293B
Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With Minus U+0293C &#x293C; &#10556; &curarrm; 293C
Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With Plus U+0293D &#x293D; &#10557; &cularrp; 293D
Lower Right Semicircular Clockwise Arrow U+0293E &#x293E; &#10558;   293E
Lower Left Semicircular Anticlockwise Arrow ⤿ U+0293F &#x293F; &#10559;   293F
Anticlockwise Closed Circle Arrow U+02940 &#x2940; &#10560;   2940
Clockwise Closed Circle Arrow U+02941 &#x2941; &#10561;   2941
Right Arrow Above Short Left Arrow U+02942 &#x2942; &#10562;   2942
Left Arrow Above Short Right Arrow U+02943 &#x2943; &#10563;   2943
Short Right Arrow Above Left Arrow U+02944 &#x2944; &#10564;   2944
Right Arrow With Plus Below U+02945 &#x2945; &#10565; &rarrpl; 2945
Left Arrow With Plus Below U+02946 &#x2946; &#10566;   2946
Right Arrow Through X U+02947 &#x2947; &#10567;   2947
Left Right Arrow Through Small Circle U+02948 &#x2948; &#10568; &harrcir; 2948
Up Two-Headed Arrow From Small Circle U+02949 &#x2949; &#10569; &Uarrocir; 2949
Left Barb Up Right Barb Down Harpoon U+0294A &#x294A; &#10570; &lurdshar; 294A
Left Barb Down Right Barb Up Harpoon U+0294B &#x294B; &#10571; &ldrushar; 294B
Up Barb Right Down Barb Left Harpoon U+0294C &#x294C; &#10572;   294C
Up Barb Left Down Barb Right Harpoon U+0294D &#x294D; &#10573;   294D
Left Barb Up Right Barb Up Harpoon U+0294E &#x294E; &#10574; &LeftRightVector; 294E
Up Barb Right Down Barb Right Harpoon U+0294F &#x294F; &#10575; &RightUpDownVector; 294F
Left Barb Down Right Barb Down Harpoon U+02950 &#x2950; &#10576; &DownLeftRightVector; 2950
Up Barb Left Down Barb Left Harpoon U+02951 &#x2951; &#10577; &LeftUpDownVector; 2951
Left Harpoon With Barb Up to Bar U+02952 &#x2952; &#10578; &LeftVectorBar; 2952
Right Harpoon With Barb Up to Bar U+02953 &#x2953; &#10579; &RightVectorBar; 2953
Up Harpoon With Barb Right to Bar U+02954 &#x2954; &#10580; &RightUpVectorBar; 2954
Down Harpoon With Barb Right to Bar U+02955 &#x2955; &#10581; &RightDownVectorBar; 2955
Left Harpoon With Barb Down to Bar U+02956 &#x2956; &#10582; &DownLeftVectorBar; 2956
Right Harpoon With Barb Down to Bar U+02957 &#x2957; &#10583; &DownRightVectorBar; 2957
Up Harpoon With Barb Left to Bar U+02958 &#x2958; &#10584; &LeftUpVectorBar; 2958
Down Harpoon With Barb Left to Bar U+02959 &#x2959; &#10585; &LeftDownVectorBar; 2959
Left Harpoon With Barb Up From Bar U+0295A &#x295A; &#10586; &LeftTeeVector; 295A
Right Harpoon With Barb Up From Bar U+0295B &#x295B; &#10587; &RightTeeVector; 295B
Up Harpoon With Barb Right From Bar U+0295C &#x295C; &#10588; &RightUpTeeVector; 295C
Down Harpoon With Barb Right From Bar U+0295D &#x295D; &#10589; &RightDownTeeVector; 295D
Left Harpoon With Barb Down From Bar U+0295E &#x295E; &#10590; &DownLeftTeeVector; 295E
Right Harpoon With Barb Down From Bar U+0295F &#x295F; &#10591; &DownRightTeeVector; 295F
Up Harpoon With Barb Left From Bar U+02960 &#x2960; &#10592; &LeftUpTeeVector; 2960
Down Harpoon With Barb Left From Bar U+02961 &#x2961; &#10593; &LeftDownTeeVector; 2961
Left Harpoon With Barb Up Above Left Harpoon With Barb Down U+02962 &#x2962; &#10594; &lHar; 2962
Up Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Up Harpoon With Barb Right U+02963 &#x2963; &#10595; &uHar; 2963
Right Harpoon With Barb Up Above Right Harpoon With Barb Down U+02964 &#x2964; &#10596; &rHar; 2964
Down Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Down Harpoon With Barb Right U+02965 &#x2965; &#10597; &dHar; 2965
Left Harpoon With Barb Up Above Right Harpoon With Barb Up U+02966 &#x2966; &#10598; &luruhar; 2966
Left Harpoon With Barb Down Above Right Harpoon With Barb Down U+02967 &#x2967; &#10599; &ldrdhar; 2967
Right Harpoon With Barb Up Above Left Harpoon With Barb Up U+02968 &#x2968; &#10600; &ruluhar; 2968
Right Harpoon With Barb Down Above Left Harpoon With Barb Down U+02969 &#x2969; &#10601; &rdldhar; 2969
Left Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long Dash U+0296A &#x296A; &#10602; &lharul; 296A
Left Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long Dash U+0296B &#x296B; &#10603; &llhard; 296B
Right Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long Dash U+0296C &#x296C; &#10604; &rharul; 296C
Right Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long Dash U+0296D &#x296D; &#10605; &lrhard; 296D
Up Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Down Harpoon With Barb Right U+0296E &#x296E; &#10606; &udhar; 296E
Down Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Up Harpoon With Barb Right U+0296F &#x296F; &#10607; &duhar; 296F
Right Double Arrow With Rounded Head U+02970 &#x2970; &#10608; &RoundImplies; 2970
Equals Sign Above Right Arrow U+02971 &#x2971; &#10609; &erarr; 2971
Tilde Operator Above Right Arrow U+02972 &#x2972; &#10610; &simrarr; 2972
Left Arrow Above Tilde Operator U+02973 &#x2973; &#10611; &larrsim; 2973
Right Arrow Above Tilde Operator U+02974 &#x2974; &#10612; &rarrsim; 2974
Right Arrow Above Almost Equal To U+02975 &#x2975; &#10613; &rarrap; 2975
Less-Than Above Left Arrow U+02976 &#x2976; &#10614; &ltlarr; 2976
Left Arrow Through Less-Than U+02977 &#x2977; &#10615;   2977
Greater-Than Above Right Arrow U+02978 &#x2978; &#10616; &gtrarr; 2978
Subset Above Right Arrow U+02979 &#x2979; &#10617; &subrarr; 2979
Left Arrow Through Subset U+0297A &#x297A; &#10618;   297A
Superset Above Left Arrow U+0297B &#x297B; &#10619; &suplarr; 297B
Left Fish Tail U+0297C &#x297C; &#10620; &lfisht; 297C
Right Fish Tail U+0297D &#x297D; &#10621; &rfisht; 297D
Up Fish Tail U+0297E &#x297E; &#10622; &ufisht; 297E
Down Fish Tail ⥿ U+0297F &#x297F; &#10623; &dfisht; 297F
Heavy Wide-Headed Right Arrow U+02794 &#x2794; &#10132;   2794
Heavy South East Arrow U+02798 &#x2798; &#10136;   2798
Heavy Right Arrow U+02799 &#x2799; &#10137;   2799
Heavy North East Arrow U+0279A &#x279A; &#10138;   279A
Drafting Point Right Arrow U+0279B &#x279B; &#10139;   279B
Heavy Round-Tipped Right Arrow U+0279C &#x279C; &#10140;   279C
Triangle-Headed Right Arrow U+0279D &#x279D; &#10141;   279D
Heavy Triangle-Headed Right Arrow U+0279E &#x279E; &#10142;   279E
Dashed Triangle-Headed Right Arrow U+0279F &#x279F; &#10143;   279F
Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Right Arrow U+027A0 &#x27A0; &#10144;   27A0
Black Right Arrow U+027A1 &#x27A1; &#10145;   27A1
Three-D Top-Lighted Right Arrowhead U+027A2 &#x27A2; &#10146;   27A2
Three-D Bottom-Lighted Right Arrowhead U+027A3 &#x27A3; &#10147;   27A3
Black Right Arrowhead U+027A4 &#x27A4; &#10148;   27A4
Heavy Black Curved Down and Right Arrow U+027A5 &#x27A5; &#10149;   27A5
Heavy Black Curved Up and Right Arrow U+027A6 &#x27A6; &#10150;   27A6
Squat Black Right Arrow U+027A7 &#x27A7; &#10151;   27A7
Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Right Arrow U+027A8 &#x27A8; &#10152;   27A8
Right-Shaded White Right Arrow U+027A9 &#x27A9; &#10153;   27A9
Left-Shaded White Right Arrow U+027AA &#x27AA; &#10154;   27AA
Back-Tilted Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AB &#x27AB; &#10155;   27AB
Front-Tilted Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AC &#x27AC; &#10156;   27AC
Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AD &#x27AD; &#10157;   27AD
Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AE &#x27AE; &#10158;   27AE
Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AF &#x27AF; &#10159;   27AF
Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027B1 &#x27B1; &#10161;   27B1
Circled Heavy White Right Arrow U+027B2 &#x27B2; &#10162;   27B2
White-Feathered Right Arrow U+027B3 &#x27B3; &#10163;   27B3
Black-Feathered South East Arrow U+027B4 &#x27B4; &#10164;   27B4
Black-Feathered Right Arrow U+027B5 &#x27B5; &#10165;   27B5
Black-Feathered North East Arrow U+027B6 &#x27B6; &#10166;   27B6
Heavy Black-Feathered South East Arrow U+027B7 &#x27B7; &#10167;   27B7
Heavy Black-Feathered Right Arrow U+027B8 &#x27B8; &#10168;   27B8
Heavy Black-Feathered North East Arrow U+027B9 &#x27B9; &#10169;   27B9
Teardrop-Barbed Right Arrow U+027BA &#x27BA; &#10170;   27BA
Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Right Arrow U+027BB &#x27BB; &#10171;   27BB
Wedge-Tailed Right Arrow U+027BC &#x27BC; &#10172;   27BC
Heavy Wedge-Tailed Right Arrow U+027BD &#x27BD; &#10173;   27BD
Open-Outlined Right Arrow U+027BE &#x27BE; &#10174;   27BE


Dollar Sign $ U+00024 &#x24; &#36; &dollar; 024
Cent Sign ¢ U+000A2 &#xa2; &#162; &cent; 0A2
Pound Sign £ U+000A3 &#xa3; &#163; &pound; 0A3
Euro Sign U+020AC &#x20AC; &#8364; &euro; 20AC
Yen Sign ¥ U+000A5 &#xa5; &#165; &yen; 0A5
Indian Rupee Sign U+020B9 &#x20B9; &#8377;   20B9
Ruble Sign U+020BD &#x20BD; &#8381;   20BD
Yuan Character, in China U+05143 &#x5143; &#20803;   5143
Currency Sign ¤ U+000A4 &#xa4; &#164; &curren; 0A4
Euro-Currency Sign U+020A0 &#x20A0; &#8352;   20A0
Colon Sign U+020A1 &#x20A1; &#8353;   20A1
Cruzeiro Sign U+020A2 &#x20A2; &#8354;   20A2
French Franc Sign U+020A3 &#x20A3; &#8355;   20A3
Lira Sign U+020A4 &#x20A4; &#8356;   20A4
Mill Sign U+020A5 &#x20A5; &#8357;   20A5
Naira Sign U+020A6 &#x20A6; &#8358;   20A6
Peseta Sign U+020A7 &#x20A7; &#8359;   20A7
Rupee Sign U+020A8 &#x20A8; &#8360;   20A8
Won Sign U+020A9 &#x20A9; &#8361;   20A9
New Sheqel Sign U+020AA &#x20AA; &#8362;   20AA
Dong Sign U+020AB &#x20AB; &#8363;   20AB
Kip Sign U+020AD &#x20AD; &#8365;   20AD
Tugrik Sign U+020AE &#x20AE; &#8366;   20AE
Drachma Sign U+020AF &#x20AF; &#8367;   20AF
German Penny Symbol U+020B0 &#x20B0; &#8368;   20B0
Peso Sign U+020B1 &#x20B1; &#8369;   20B1
Guarani Sign U+020B2 &#x20B2; &#8370;   20B2
Austral Sign U+020B3 &#x20B3; &#8371;   20B3
Hryvnia Sign U+020B4 &#x20B4; &#8372;   20B4
Cedi Sign U+020B5 &#x20B5; &#8373;   20B5
Livre Tournois Sign U+020B6 &#x20B6; &#8374;   20B6
Tenge Sign U+020B8 &#x20B8; &#8376;   20B8
Turkish Lira Sign U+020BA &#x20BA; &#8378;   20BA
Manat Sign U+020BC &#x20BC; &#8380;   20BC
Bengali Rupee Mark U+009F2 &#x09F2; &#2546;   9F2
Bengali Rupee Sign U+009F3 &#x09F3; &#2547;   9F3
Gujarati Rupee Sign U+00AF1 &#x0AF1; &#2801;   AF1
Tamil Rupee Sign U+00BF9 &#x0BF9; &#3065;   BF9
Thai Currency Symbol Baht ฿ U+00E3F &#x0E3F; &#3647;   E3F
Khmer Currency Symbol Riel U+017DB &#x17DB; &#6107;   17DB
Square Yuan U+03350 &#x3350; &#13136;   3350
Yen Character U+05186 &#x5186; &#20870;   5186
Yen/Yuan Character Variant One U+05706 &#x5706; &#22278;   5706
Yen/Yuan Character Variant Two U+0570E &#x570E; &#22286;   570E
Yuan Character, in Hong Kong and Taiwan U+05713 &#x5713; &#22291;   5713
Yen/Yuan Character Variant Three U+0571C &#x571C; &#22300;   571C
Won Character U+0C6D0 &#xC6D0; &#50896;   C6D0
Rial Sign U+0FDFC &#xFDFC; &#65020;   FDFC
Fullwidth Dollar Sign U+0FF04 &#xFF04; &#65284;   FF04
Fullwidth Cent Sign U+0FFE0 &#xFFE0; &#65504;   FFE0
Fullwidth Pound Sign U+0FFE1 &#xFFE1; &#65505;   FFE1
Fullwidth Yen Sign U+0FFE5 &#xFFE5; &#65509;   FFE5
Fullwidth Won Sign U+0FFE6 &#xFFE6; &#65510;   FFE6


Uppercase A A U+00041 &#x41; &#65;   041
Uppercase B B U+00042 &#x42; &#66;   042
Uppercase C C U+00043 &#x43; &#67;   043
Uppercase D D U+00044 &#x44; &#68;   044
Uppercase E E U+00045 &#x45; &#69;   045
Uppercase F F U+00046 &#x46; &#70;   046
Uppercase G G U+00047 &#x47; &#71;   047
Uppercase H H U+00048 &#x48; &#72;   048
Uppercase I I U+00049 &#x49; &#73;   049
Uppercase J J U+0004A &#x4a; &#74;   04A
Uppercase K K U+0004B &#x4b; &#75;   04B
Uppercase L L U+0004C &#x4c; &#76;   04C
Uppercase M M U+0004D &#x4d; &#77;   04D
Uppercase N N U+0004E &#x4e; &#78;   04E
Uppercase O O U+0004F &#x4f; &#79;   04F
Uppercase P P U+00050 &#x50; &#80;   050
Uppercase Q Q U+00051 &#x51; &#81;   051
Uppercase R R U+00052 &#x52; &#82;   052
Uppercase S S U+00053 &#x53; &#83;   053
Uppercase T T U+00054 &#x54; &#84;   054
Uppercase U U U+00055 &#x55; &#85;   055
Uppercase V V U+00056 &#x56; &#86;   056
Uppercase W W U+00057 &#x57; &#87;   057
Uppercase X X U+00058 &#x58; &#88;   058
Uppercase Y Y U+00059 &#x59; &#89;   059
Uppercase Z Z U+0005A &#x5a; &#90;   05A
Lowercase a a U+00061 &#x61; &#97;   061
Lowercase b b U+00062 &#x62; &#98;   062
Lowercase c c U+00063 &#x63; &#99;   063
Lowercase d d U+00064 &#x64; &#100;   064
Lowercase e e U+00065 &#x65; &#101;   065
Lowercase f f U+00066 &#x66; &#102;   066
Lowercase g g U+00067 &#x67; &#103;   067
Lowercase h h U+00068 &#x68; &#104;   068
Lowercase i i U+00069 &#x69; &#105;   069
Lowercase j j U+0006A &#x6a; &#106;   06A
Lowercase k k U+0006B &#x6b; &#107;   06B
Lowercase l l U+0006C &#x6c; &#108;   06C
Lowercase m m U+0006D &#x6d; &#109;   06D
Lowercase n n U+0006E &#x6e; &#110;   06E
Lowercase o o U+0006F &#x6f; &#111;   06F
Lowercase p p U+00070 &#x70; &#112;   070
Lowercase q q U+00071 &#x71; &#113;   071
Lowercase r r U+00072 &#x72; &#114;   072
Lowercase s s U+00073 &#x73; &#115;   073
Lowercase t t U+00074 &#x74; &#116;   074
Lowercase u u U+00075 &#x75; &#117;   075
Lowercase v v U+00076 &#x76; &#118;   076
Lowercase w w U+00077 &#x77; &#119;   077
Lowercase x x U+00078 &#x78; &#120;   078
Lowercase y y U+00079 &#x79; &#121;   079
Lowercase z z U+0007A &#x7a; &#122;   07A
Uppercase A with Grave À U+000C0 &#xc0; &#192; &Agrave; 0C0
Uppercase A with Acute Á U+000C1 &#xc1; &#193; &Aacute; 0C1
Uppercase A with Circumflex  U+000C2 &#xc2; &#194; &Acirc; 0C2
Uppercase A with Tilde à U+000C3 &#xc3; &#195; &Atilde; 0C3
Uppercase A with Umlaut Ä U+000C4 &#xc4; &#196; &Auml; 0C4
Uppercase A with Ring Å U+000C5 &#xc5; &#197; &Aring; 0C5
Uppercase AE Æ U+000C6 &#xc6; &#198; &AElig; 0C6
Uppercase C with Cedilla Ç U+000C7 &#xc7; &#199; &Ccedil; 0C7
Uppercase E with Grave È U+000C8 &#xc8; &#200; &Egrave; 0C8
Uppercase E with Acute É U+000C9 &#xc9; &#201; &Eacute; 0C9
Uppercase E with Circumflex Ê U+000CA &#xca; &#202; &Ecirc; 0CA
Uppercase E with Umlaut Ë U+000CB &#xcb; &#203; &Euml; 0CB
Uppercase L with Grave Ì U+000CC &#xcc; &#204; &Lgrave; 0CC
Uppercase L with Acute Í U+000CD &#xcd; &#205; &Lacute; 0CD
Uppercase L with Circumflex Î U+000CE &#xce; &#206; &Lcirc; 0CE
Uppercase L with Umlaut Ï U+000CF &#xcf; &#207; &Luml; 0CF
Uppercase ETH Ð U+000D0 &#xd0; &#208; &ETH; 0D0
Uppercase N with Tilde Ñ U+000D1 &#xd1; &#209; &Ntilde; 0D1
Uppercase O with Grave Ò U+000D2 &#xd2; &#210; &Ograve; 0D2
Uppercase O with Acute Ó U+000D3 &#xd3; &#211; &Oacute; 0D3
Uppercase O with Circumflex Ô U+000D4 &#xd4; &#212; &Ocirc; 0D4
Uppercase O with Tilde Õ U+000D5 &#xd5; &#213; &Otilde; 0D5
Uppercase O with Umlaut Ö U+000D6 &#xd6; &#214; &Ouml; 0D6
Uppercase O with Slash Ø U+000D8 &#xd8; &#216; &Oslash; 0D8
Uppercase U with Grave Ù U+000D9 &#xd9; &#217; &Ugrave; 0D9
Uppercase U with Acute Ú U+000DA &#xda; &#218; &Uacute; 0DA
Uppercase U with Circumflex Û U+000DB &#xdb; &#219; &Ucirc; 0DB
Uppercase U with Umlaut Ü U+000DC &#xdc; &#220; &Uuml; 0DC
Uppercase Y with Acute Ý U+000DD &#xdd; &#221; &Yacute; 0DD
Uppercase THORN Þ U+000DE &#xde; &#222; &THORN; 0DE
Lowercase ess-zed ß U+000DF &#xdf; &#223; &szlig; 0DF
Lowercase a with Grave à U+000E0 &#xe0; &#224; &agrave; 0E0
Lowercase a with Acute á U+000E1 &#xe1; &#225; &aacute; 0E1
Lowercase a with Circumflex â U+000E2 &#xe2; &#226; &acirc; 0E2
Lowercase a with Tilde ã U+000E3 &#xe3; &#227; &atilde; 0E3
Lowercase a with Umlaut ä U+000E4 &#xe4; &#228; &auml; 0E4
Lowercase a with Ring å U+000E5 &#xe5; &#229; &aring; 0E5
Lowercase ae æ U+000E6 &#xe6; &#230; &aelig; 0E6
Lowercase c with Cedilla ç U+000E7 &#xe7; &#231; &ccedil; 0E7
Lowercase e with Grave è U+000E8 &#xe8; &#232; &egrave; 0E8
Lowercase e with Acute é U+000E9 &#xe9; &#233; &eacute; 0E9
Lowercase e with Circumflex ê U+000EA &#xea; &#234; &ecirc; 0EA
Lowercase e with Umlaut ë U+000EB &#xeb; &#235; &euml; 0EB
Lowercase i with Grave ì U+000EC &#xec; &#236; &igrave; 0EC
Lowercase i with Acute í U+000ED &#xed; &#237; &iacute; 0ED
Lowercase i with Circumflex î U+000EE &#xee; &#238; &icirc; 0EE
Lowercase i with Umlaut ï U+000EF &#xef; &#239; &iuml; 0EF
Lowercase eth ð U+000F0 &#xf0; &#240; &eth; 0F0
Lowercase n with Tilde ñ U+000F1 &#xf1; &#241; &ntilde; 0F1
Lowercase o with Grave ò U+000F2 &#xf2; &#242; &ograve; 0F2
Lowercase o with Acute ó U+000F3 &#xf3; &#243; &oacute; 0F3
Lowercase o with Circumflex ô U+000F4 &#xf4; &#244; &ocirc; 0F4
Lowercase o with Tilde õ U+000F5 &#xf5; &#245; &otilde; 0F5
Lowercase o with Umlaut ö U+000F6 &#xf6; &#246; &ouml; 0F6
Lowercase o with Slash ø U+000F8 &#xf8; &#248; &oslash; 0F8
Lowercase u with Grave ù U+000F9 &#xf9; &#249; &ugrave; 0F9
Lowercase u with Acute ú U+000FA &#xfa; &#250; &uacute; 0FA
Lowercase u with Circumflex û U+000FB &#xfb; &#251; &ucirc; 0FB
Lowercase u with Umlaut ü U+000FC &#xfc; &#252; &uuml; 0FC
Lowercase y with Acute ý U+000FD &#xfd; &#253; &yacute; 0FD
Lowercase thorn þ U+000FE &#xfe; &#254; &thorn; 0FE
Lowercase y with Umlaut ÿ U+000FF &#xff; &#255; &yuml; 0FF
Uppercase a With Macron Ā U+00100 &#x0100; &#256; &Amacr; 100
Lowercase a With Macron ā U+00101 &#x0101; &#257; &amacr; 101
Uppercase a With Breve Ă U+00102 &#x0102; &#258; &Abreve; 102
Lowercase a With Breve ă U+00103 &#x0103; &#259; &abreve; 103
Uppercase a With Ogonek Ą U+00104 &#x0104; &#260; &Aogon; 104
Lowercase a With Ogonek ą U+00105 &#x0105; &#261; &aogon; 105
Uppercase C With Acute Ć U+00106 &#x0106; &#262; &Cacute; 106
Lowercase C With Acute ć U+00107 &#x0107; &#263; &cacute; 107
Uppercase C With Circumflex Ĉ U+00108 &#x0108; &#264; &Ccirc; 108
Lowercase C With Circumflex ĉ U+00109 &#x0109; &#265; &ccirc; 109
Uppercase C With Dot Above Ċ U+0010A &#x010A; &#266; &Cdot; 10A
Lowercase C With Dot Above ċ U+0010B &#x010B; &#267; &cdot; 10B
Uppercase C With Caron Č U+0010C &#x010C; &#268; &Ccaron; 10C
Lowercase C With Caron č U+0010D &#x010D; &#269; &ccaron; 10D
Uppercase D With Caron Ď U+0010E &#x010E; &#270; &Dcaron; 10E
Lowercase D With Caron ď U+0010F &#x010F; &#271; &dcaron; 10F
Uppercase D With Stroke Đ U+00110 &#x0110; &#272; &Dstrok; 110
Lowercase D With Stroke đ U+00111 &#x0111; &#273; &dstrok; 111
Uppercase E With Macron Ē U+00112 &#x0112; &#274; &Emacr; 112
Lowercase E With Macron ē U+00113 &#x0113; &#275; &emacr; 113
Uppercase E With Breve Ĕ U+00114 &#x0114; &#276;   114
Lowercase E With Breve ĕ U+00115 &#x0115; &#277;   115
Uppercase E With Dot Above Ė U+00116 &#x0116; &#278; &Edot; 116
Lowercase E With Dot Above ė U+00117 &#x0117; &#279; &edot; 117
Uppercase E With Ogonek Ę U+00118 &#x0118; &#280; &Eogon; 118
Lowercase E With Ogonek ę U+00119 &#x0119; &#281; &eogon; 119
Uppercase E With Caron Ě U+0011A &#x011A; &#282; &Ecaron; 11A
Lowercase E With Caron ě U+0011B &#x011B; &#283; &ecaron; 11B
Uppercase G With Circumflex Ĝ U+0011C &#x011C; &#284; &Gcirc; 11C
Lowercase G With Circumflex ĝ U+0011D &#x011D; &#285; &gcirc; 11D
Uppercase G With Breve Ğ U+0011E &#x011E; &#286; &Gbreve; 11E
Lowercase G With Breve ğ U+0011F &#x011F; &#287; &gbreve; 11F
Uppercase G With Dot Above Ġ U+00120 &#x0120; &#288; &Gdot; 120
Lowercase G With Dot Above ġ U+00121 &#x0121; &#289; &gdot; 121
Uppercase G With Cedilla Ģ U+00122 &#x0122; &#290; &Gcedil; 122
Lowercase G With Cedilla ģ U+00123 &#x0123; &#291;   123
Uppercase H With Circumflex Ĥ U+00124 &#x0124; &#292; &Hcirc; 124
Lowercase H With Circumflex ĥ U+00125 &#x0125; &#293; &hcirc; 125
Uppercase H With Stroke Ħ U+00126 &#x0126; &#294; &Hstrok; 126
Lowercase H With Stroke ħ U+00127 &#x0127; &#295; &hstrok; 127
Uppercase I With Tilde Ĩ U+00128 &#x0128; &#296; &Itilde; 128
Lowercase I With Tilde ĩ U+00129 &#x0129; &#297; &itilde; 129
Uppercase I With Macron Ī U+0012A &#x012A; &#298; &Imacr; 12A
Lowercase I With Macron ī U+0012B &#x012B; &#299; &imacr; 12B
Uppercase I With Breve Ĭ U+0012C &#x012C; &#300;   12C
Lowercase I With Breve ĭ U+0012D &#x012D; &#301;   12D
Uppercase I With Ogonek Į U+0012E &#x012E; &#302; &Iogon; 12E
Lowercase I With Ogonek į U+0012F &#x012F; &#303; &iogon; 12F
Uppercase I With Dot Above İ U+00130 &#x0130; &#304; &Idot; 130
Lowercase Dotless I ı U+00131 &#x0131; &#305; &imath; 131
Latin Capital Ligature Ij IJ U+00132 &#x0132; &#306; &IJlig; 132
Latin Small Ligature Ij ij U+00133 &#x0133; &#307; &ijlig; 133
Uppercase J With Circumflex Ĵ U+00134 &#x0134; &#308; &Jcirc; 134
Lowercase J With Circumflex ĵ U+00135 &#x0135; &#309; &jcirc; 135
Uppercase K With Cedilla Ķ U+00136 &#x0136; &#310; &Kcedil; 136
Lowercase K With Cedilla ķ U+00137 &#x0137; &#311; &kcedil; 137
Lowercase Kra ĸ U+00138 &#x0138; &#312; &kgreen; 138
Uppercase L With Acute Ĺ U+00139 &#x0139; &#313; &Lacute; 139
Lowercase L With Acute ĺ U+0013A &#x013A; &#314; &lacute; 13A
Uppercase L With Cedilla Ļ U+0013B &#x013B; &#315; &Lcedil; 13B
Lowercase L With Cedilla ļ U+0013C &#x013C; &#316; &lcedil; 13C
Uppercase L With Caron Ľ U+0013D &#x013D; &#317; &Lcaron; 13D
Lowercase L With Caron ľ U+0013E &#x013E; &#318; &lcaron; 13E
Uppercase L With Middle Dot Ŀ U+0013F &#x013F; &#319; &Lmidot; 13F
Lowercase L With Middle Dot ŀ U+00140 &#x0140; &#320; &lmidot; 140
Uppercase L With Stroke Ł U+00141 &#x0141; &#321; &Lstrok; 141
Lowercase L With Stroke ł U+00142 &#x0142; &#322; &lstrok; 142
Uppercase N With Acute Ń U+00143 &#x0143; &#323; &Nacute; 143
Lowercase N With Acute ń U+00144 &#x0144; &#324; &nacute; 144
Uppercase N With Cedilla Ņ U+00145 &#x0145; &#325; &Ncedil; 145
Lowercase N With Cedilla ņ U+00146 &#x0146; &#326; &ncedil; 146
Uppercase N With Caron Ň U+00147 &#x0147; &#327; &Ncaron; 147
Lowercase N With Caron ň U+00148 &#x0148; &#328; &ncaron; 148
Lowercase N Preceded by Apostrophe ʼn U+00149 &#x0149; &#329; &napos; 149
Uppercase Eng Ŋ U+0014A &#x014A; &#330; &ENG; 14A
Lowercase Eng ŋ U+0014B &#x014B; &#331; &eng; 14B
Uppercase O With Macron Ō U+0014C &#x014C; &#332; &Omacr; 14C
Lowercase O With Macron ō U+0014D &#x014D; &#333; &omacr; 14D
Uppercase O With Breve Ŏ U+0014E &#x014E; &#334;   14E
Lowercase O With Breve ŏ U+0014F &#x014F; &#335;   14F
Uppercase O With Double Acute Ő U+00150 &#x0150; &#336; &Odblac; 150
Lowercase O With Double Acute ő U+00151 &#x0151; &#337; &odblac; 151
Uppercase Ligature OE ΠU+00152 &#x0152; &#338; &OElig; 152
Lowercase Ligature oe œ U+00153 &#x0153; &#339; &oelig; 153
Uppercase R With Acute Ŕ U+00154 &#x0154; &#340; &Racute; 154
Lowercase R With Acute ŕ U+00155 &#x0155; &#341; &racute; 155
Uppercase R With Cedilla Ŗ U+00156 &#x0156; &#342; &Rcedil; 156
Lowercase R With Cedilla ŗ U+00157 &#x0157; &#343; &rcedil; 157
Uppercase R With Caron Ř U+00158 &#x0158; &#344; &Rcaron; 158
Lowercase R With Caron ř U+00159 &#x0159; &#345; &rcaron; 159
Uppercase S With Acute Ś U+0015A &#x015A; &#346; &Sacute; 15A
Lowercase S With Acute ś U+0015B &#x015B; &#347; &sacute; 15B
Uppercase S With Circumflex Ŝ U+0015C &#x015C; &#348; &Scirc; 15C
Lowercase S With Circumflex ŝ U+0015D &#x015D; &#349; &scirc; 15D
Uppercase S With Cedilla Ş U+0015E &#x015E; &#350; &Scedil; 15E
Lowercase S With Cedilla ş U+0015F &#x015F; &#351; &scedil; 15F
Uppercase S With Caron Š U+00160 &#x0160; &#352; &Scaron; 160
Lowercase S With Caron š U+00161 &#x0161; &#353; &scaron; 161
Uppercase T With Cedilla Ţ U+00162 &#x0162; &#354; &Tcedil; 162
Lowercase T With Cedilla ţ U+00163 &#x0163; &#355; &tcedil; 163
Uppercase T With Caron Ť U+00164 &#x0164; &#356; &Tcaron; 164
Lowercase T With Caron ť U+00165 &#x0165; &#357; &tcaron; 165
Uppercase T With Stroke Ŧ U+00166 &#x0166; &#358; &Tstrok; 166
Lowercase T With Stroke ŧ U+00167 &#x0167; &#359; &tstrok; 167
Uppercase U With Tilde Ũ U+00168 &#x0168; &#360; &Utilde; 168
Lowercase U With Tilde ũ U+00169 &#x0169; &#361; &utilde; 169
Uppercase U With Macron Ū U+0016A &#x016A; &#362; &Umacr; 16A
Lowercase U With Macron ū U+0016B &#x016B; &#363; &umacr; 16B
Uppercase U With Breve Ŭ U+0016C &#x016C; &#364; &Ubreve; 16C
Lowercase U With Breve ŭ U+0016D &#x016D; &#365; &ubreve; 16D
Uppercase U With Ring Above Ů U+0016E &#x016E; &#366; &Uring; 16E
Lowercase U With Ring Above ů U+0016F &#x016F; &#367; &uring; 16F
Uppercase U With Double Acute Ű U+00170 &#x0170; &#368; &Udblac; 170
Lowercase U With Double Acute ű U+00171 &#x0171; &#369; &udblac; 171
Uppercase U With Ogonek Ų U+00172 &#x0172; &#370; &Uogon; 172
Lowercase U With Ogonek ų U+00173 &#x0173; &#371; &uogon; 173
Uppercase W With Circumflex Ŵ U+00174 &#x0174; &#372; &Wcirc; 174
Lowercase W With Circumflex ŵ U+00175 &#x0175; &#373; &wcirc; 175
Uppercase Y With Circumflex Ŷ U+00176 &#x0176; &#374; &Ycirc; 176
Lowercase Y With Circumflex ŷ U+00177 &#x0177; &#375; &ycirc; 177
Uppercase Y With Diaeresis Ÿ U+00178 &#x0178; &#376; &Yuml; 178
Uppercase Z With Acute Ź U+00179 &#x0179; &#377; &Zacute; 179
Lowercase Z With Acute ź U+0017A &#x017A; &#378; &zacute; 17A
Uppercase Z With Dot Above Ż U+0017B &#x017B; &#379; &Zdot; 17B
Lowercase Z With Dot Above ż U+0017C &#x017C; &#380; &zdot; 17C
Uppercase Z With Caron Ž U+0017D &#x017D; &#381; &Zcaron; 17D
Lowercase Z With Caron ž U+0017E &#x017E; &#382; &zcaron; 17E
Lowercase Long S ſ U+0017F &#x017F; &#383;   17F
Lowercase B With Stroke ƀ U+00180 &#x0180; &#384;   180
Uppercase B With Hook Ɓ U+00181 &#x0181; &#385;   181
Uppercase B With Topbar Ƃ U+00182 &#x0182; &#386;   182
Lowercase B With Topbar ƃ U+00183 &#x0183; &#387;   183
Uppercase Tone Six Ƅ U+00184 &#x0184; &#388;   184
Lowercase Tone Six ƅ U+00185 &#x0185; &#389;   185
Uppercase Open O Ɔ U+00186 &#x0186; &#390;   186
Uppercase C With Hook Ƈ U+00187 &#x0187; &#391;   187
Lowercase C With Hook ƈ U+00188 &#x0188; &#392;   188
Uppercase African D Ɖ U+00189 &#x0189; &#393;   189
Uppercase D With Hook Ɗ U+0018A &#x018A; &#394;   18A
Uppercase D With Topbar Ƌ U+0018B &#x018B; &#395;   18B
Lowercase D With Topbar ƌ U+0018C &#x018C; &#396;   18C
Lowercase Turned Delta ƍ U+0018D &#x018D; &#397;   18D
Uppercase Reversed E Ǝ U+0018E &#x018E; &#398;   18E
Uppercase Schwa Ə U+0018F &#x018F; &#399;   18F
Uppercase Open E Ɛ U+00190 &#x0190; &#400;   190
Uppercase F With Hook Ƒ U+00191 &#x0191; &#401;   191
Lowercase F With Hook ƒ U+00192 &#x0192; &#402;   192
Uppercase G With Hook Ɠ U+00193 &#x0193; &#403;   193
Uppercase Gamma Ɣ U+00194 &#x0194; &#404;   194
Lowercase Hv ƕ U+00195 &#x0195; &#405;   195
Uppercase Iota Ɩ U+00196 &#x0196; &#406;   196
Uppercase I With Stroke Ɨ U+00197 &#x0197; &#407;   197
Uppercase K With Hook Ƙ U+00198 &#x0198; &#408;   198
Lowercase K With Hook ƙ U+00199 &#x0199; &#409;   199
Lowercase L With Bar ƚ U+0019A &#x019A; &#410;   19A
Lowercase Lambda With Stroke ƛ U+0019B &#x019B; &#411;   19B
Uppercase Turned M Ɯ U+0019C &#x019C; &#412;   19C
Uppercase N With Left Hook Ɲ U+0019D &#x019D; &#413;   19D
Lowercase N With Long Right Leg ƞ U+0019E &#x019E; &#414;   19E
Uppercase O With Middle Tilde Ɵ U+0019F &#x019F; &#415;   19F
Uppercase O With Horn Ơ U+001A0 &#x01A0; &#416;   1A0
Lowercase O With Horn ơ U+001A1 &#x01A1; &#417;   1A1
Uppercase Oi Ƣ U+001A2 &#x01A2; &#418;   1A2
Lowercase Oi ƣ U+001A3 &#x01A3; &#419;   1A3
Uppercase P With Hook Ƥ U+001A4 &#x01A4; &#420;   1A4
Lowercase P With Hook ƥ U+001A5 &#x01A5; &#421;   1A5
Latin Letter Yr Ʀ U+001A6 &#x01A6; &#422;   1A6
Uppercase Tone Two Ƨ U+001A7 &#x01A7; &#423;   1A7
Lowercase Tone Two ƨ U+001A8 &#x01A8; &#424;   1A8
Uppercase Esh Ʃ U+001A9 &#x01A9; &#425;   1A9
Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop ƪ U+001AA &#x01AA; &#426;   1AA
Lowercase T With Palatal Hook ƫ U+001AB &#x01AB; &#427;   1AB
Uppercase T With Hook Ƭ U+001AC &#x01AC; &#428;   1AC
Lowercase T With Hook ƭ U+001AD &#x01AD; &#429;   1AD
Uppercase T With Retroflex Hook Ʈ U+001AE &#x01AE; &#430;   1AE
Uppercase U With Horn Ư U+001AF &#x01AF; &#431;   1AF
Lowercase U With Horn ư U+001B0 &#x01B0; &#432;   1B0
Uppercase Upsilon Ʊ U+001B1 &#x01B1; &#433;   1B1
Uppercase v With Hook Ʋ U+001B2 &#x01B2; &#434;   1B2
Uppercase Y With Hook Ƴ U+001B3 &#x01B3; &#435;   1B3
Lowercase Y With Hook ƴ U+001B4 &#x01B4; &#436;   1B4
Uppercase Z With Stroke Ƶ U+001B5 &#x01B5; &#437;   1B5
Lowercase Z With Stroke ƶ U+001B6 &#x01B6; &#438;   1B6
Uppercase Ezh Ʒ U+001B7 &#x01B7; &#439;   1B7
Uppercase Ezh Reversed Ƹ U+001B8 &#x01B8; &#440;   1B8
Lowercase Ezh Reversed ƹ U+001B9 &#x01B9; &#441;   1B9
Lowercase Ezh With Tail ƺ U+001BA &#x01BA; &#442;   1BA
Latin Letter Two With Stroke ƻ U+001BB &#x01BB; &#443;   1BB
Uppercase Tone Five Ƽ U+001BC &#x01BC; &#444;   1BC
Lowercase Tone Five ƽ U+001BD &#x01BD; &#445;   1BD
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop With Stroke ƾ U+001BE &#x01BE; &#446;   1BE
Latin Letter Wynn ƿ U+001BF &#x01BF; &#447;   1BF
Latin Letter Dental Click ǀ U+001C0 &#x01C0; &#448;   1C0
Latin Letter Lateral Click ǁ U+001C1 &#x01C1; &#449;   1C1
Latin Letter Alveolar Click ǂ U+001C2 &#x01C2; &#450;   1C2
Latin Letter Retroflex Click ǃ U+001C3 &#x01C3; &#451;   1C3
Uppercase Dz With Caron DŽ U+001C4 &#x01C4; &#452;   1C4
Uppercase D With Small Letter Z With Caron Dž U+001C5 &#x01C5; &#453;   1C5
Lowercase Dz With Caron dž U+001C6 &#x01C6; &#454;   1C6
Uppercase Lj LJ U+001C7 &#x01C7; &#455;   1C7
Uppercase L With Small Letter J Lj U+001C8 &#x01C8; &#456;   1C8
Lowercase Lj lj U+001C9 &#x01C9; &#457;   1C9
Uppercase Nj NJ U+001CA &#x01CA; &#458;   1CA
Uppercase N With Small Letter J Nj U+001CB &#x01CB; &#459;   1CB
Lowercase Nj nj U+001CC &#x01CC; &#460;   1CC
Uppercase a With Caron Ǎ U+001CD &#x01CD; &#461;   1CD
Lowercase a With Caron ǎ U+001CE &#x01CE; &#462;   1CE
Uppercase I With Caron Ǐ U+001CF &#x01CF; &#463;   1CF
Lowercase I With Caron ǐ U+001D0 &#x01D0; &#464;   1D0
Uppercase O With Caron Ǒ U+001D1 &#x01D1; &#465;   1D1
Lowercase O With Caron ǒ U+001D2 &#x01D2; &#466;   1D2
Uppercase U With Caron Ǔ U+001D3 &#x01D3; &#467;   1D3
Lowercase U With Caron ǔ U+001D4 &#x01D4; &#468;   1D4
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and Macron Ǖ U+001D5 &#x01D5; &#469;   1D5
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and Macron ǖ U+001D6 &#x01D6; &#470;   1D6
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and Acute Ǘ U+001D7 &#x01D7; &#471;   1D7
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and Acute ǘ U+001D8 &#x01D8; &#472;   1D8
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and Caron Ǚ U+001D9 &#x01D9; &#473;   1D9
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and Caron ǚ U+001DA &#x01DA; &#474;   1DA
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and Grave Ǜ U+001DB &#x01DB; &#475;   1DB
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and Grave ǜ U+001DC &#x01DC; &#476;   1DC
Lowercase Turned E ǝ U+001DD &#x01DD; &#477;   1DD
Uppercase a With Diaeresis and Macron Ǟ U+001DE &#x01DE; &#478;   1DE
Lowercase a With Diaeresis and Macron ǟ U+001DF &#x01DF; &#479;   1DF
Uppercase a With Dot Above and Macron Ǡ U+001E0 &#x01E0; &#480;   1E0
Lowercase a With Dot Above and Macron ǡ U+001E1 &#x01E1; &#481;   1E1
Uppercase Ae With Macron Ǣ U+001E2 &#x01E2; &#482;   1E2
Lowercase Ae With Macron ǣ U+001E3 &#x01E3; &#483;   1E3
Uppercase G With Stroke Ǥ U+001E4 &#x01E4; &#484;   1E4
Lowercase G With Stroke ǥ U+001E5 &#x01E5; &#485;   1E5
Uppercase G With Caron Ǧ U+001E6 &#x01E6; &#486;   1E6
Lowercase G With Caron ǧ U+001E7 &#x01E7; &#487;   1E7
Uppercase K With Caron Ǩ U+001E8 &#x01E8; &#488;   1E8
Lowercase K With Caron ǩ U+001E9 &#x01E9; &#489;   1E9
Uppercase O With Ogonek Ǫ U+001EA &#x01EA; &#490;   1EA
Lowercase O With Ogonek ǫ U+001EB &#x01EB; &#491;   1EB
Uppercase O With Ogonek and Macron Ǭ U+001EC &#x01EC; &#492;   1EC
Lowercase O With Ogonek and Macron ǭ U+001ED &#x01ED; &#493;   1ED
Uppercase Ezh With Caron Ǯ U+001EE &#x01EE; &#494;   1EE
Lowercase Ezh With Caron ǯ U+001EF &#x01EF; &#495;   1EF
Lowercase J With Caron ǰ U+001F0 &#x01F0; &#496;   1F0
Uppercase Dz DZ U+001F1 &#x01F1; &#497;   1F1
Uppercase D With Small Letter Z Dz U+001F2 &#x01F2; &#498;   1F2
Lowercase Dz dz U+001F3 &#x01F3; &#499;   1F3
Uppercase G With Acute Ǵ U+001F4 &#x01F4; &#500;   1F4
Lowercase G With Acute ǵ U+001F5 &#x01F5; &#501;   1F5
Uppercase Hwair Ƕ U+001F6 &#x01F6; &#502;   1F6
Uppercase Wynn Ƿ U+001F7 &#x01F7; &#503;   1F7
Uppercase N With Grave Ǹ U+001F8 &#x01F8; &#504;   1F8
Lowercase N With Grave ǹ U+001F9 &#x01F9; &#505;   1F9
Uppercase a With Ring Above and Acute Ǻ U+001FA &#x01FA; &#506;   1FA
Lowercase a With Ring Above and Acute ǻ U+001FB &#x01FB; &#507;   1FB
Uppercase Ae With Acute Ǽ U+001FC &#x01FC; &#508;   1FC
Lowercase Ae With Acute ǽ U+001FD &#x01FD; &#509;   1FD
Uppercase O With Stroke and Acute Ǿ U+001FE &#x01FE; &#510;   1FE
Lowercase O With Stroke and Acute ǿ U+001FF &#x01FF; &#511;   1FF
Uppercase a With Double Grave Ȁ U+00200 &#x0200; &#512;   200
Lowercase a With Double Grave ȁ U+00201 &#x0201; &#513;   201
Uppercase a With Inverted Breve Ȃ U+00202 &#x0202; &#514;   202
Lowercase a With Inverted Breve ȃ U+00203 &#x0203; &#515;   203
Uppercase E With Double Grave Ȅ U+00204 &#x0204; &#516;   204
Lowercase E With Double Grave ȅ U+00205 &#x0205; &#517;   205
Uppercase E With Inverted Breve Ȇ U+00206 &#x0206; &#518;   206
Lowercase E With Inverted Breve ȇ U+00207 &#x0207; &#519;   207
Uppercase I With Double Grave Ȉ U+00208 &#x0208; &#520;   208
Lowercase I With Double Grave ȉ U+00209 &#x0209; &#521;   209
Uppercase I With Inverted Breve Ȋ U+0020A &#x020A; &#522;   20A
Lowercase I With Inverted Breve ȋ U+0020B &#x020B; &#523;   20B
Uppercase O With Double Grave Ȍ U+0020C &#x020C; &#524;   20C
Lowercase O With Double Grave ȍ U+0020D &#x020D; &#525;   20D
Uppercase O With Inverted Breve Ȏ U+0020E &#x020E; &#526;   20E
Lowercase O With Inverted Breve ȏ U+0020F &#x020F; &#527;   20F
Uppercase R With Double Grave Ȑ U+00210 &#x0210; &#528;   210
Lowercase R With Double Grave ȑ U+00211 &#x0211; &#529;   211
Uppercase R With Inverted Breve Ȓ U+00212 &#x0212; &#530;   212
Lowercase R With Inverted Breve ȓ U+00213 &#x0213; &#531;   213
Uppercase U With Double Grave Ȕ U+00214 &#x0214; &#532;   214
Lowercase U With Double Grave ȕ U+00215 &#x0215; &#533;   215
Uppercase U With Inverted Breve Ȗ U+00216 &#x0216; &#534;   216
Lowercase U With Inverted Breve ȗ U+00217 &#x0217; &#535;   217
Uppercase S With Comma Below Ș U+00218 &#x0218; &#536;   218
Lowercase S With Comma Below ș U+00219 &#x0219; &#537;   219
Uppercase T With Comma Below Ț U+0021A &#x021A; &#538;   21A
Lowercase T With Comma Below ț U+0021B &#x021B; &#539;   21B
Uppercase Yogh Ȝ U+0021C &#x021C; &#540;   21C
Lowercase Yogh ȝ U+0021D &#x021D; &#541;   21D
Uppercase H With Caron Ȟ U+0021E &#x021E; &#542;   21E
Lowercase H With Caron ȟ U+0021F &#x021F; &#543;   21F
Uppercase N With Long Right Leg Ƞ U+00220 &#x0220; &#544;   220
Lowercase D With Curl ȡ U+00221 &#x0221; &#545;   221
Uppercase Ou Ȣ U+00222 &#x0222; &#546;   222
Lowercase Ou ȣ U+00223 &#x0223; &#547;   223
Uppercase Z With Hook Ȥ U+00224 &#x0224; &#548;   224
Lowercase Z With Hook ȥ U+00225 &#x0225; &#549;   225
Uppercase a With Dot Above Ȧ U+00226 &#x0226; &#550;   226
Lowercase a With Dot Above ȧ U+00227 &#x0227; &#551;   227
Uppercase E With Cedilla Ȩ U+00228 &#x0228; &#552;   228
Lowercase E With Cedilla ȩ U+00229 &#x0229; &#553;   229
Uppercase O With Diaeresis and Macron Ȫ U+0022A &#x022A; &#554;   22A
Lowercase O With Diaeresis and Macron ȫ U+0022B &#x022B; &#555;   22B
Uppercase O With Tilde and Macron Ȭ U+0022C &#x022C; &#556;   22C
Lowercase O With Tilde and Macron ȭ U+0022D &#x022D; &#557;   22D
Uppercase O With Dot Above Ȯ U+0022E &#x022E; &#558;   22E
Lowercase O With Dot Above ȯ U+0022F &#x022F; &#559;   22F
Uppercase O With Dot Above and Macron Ȱ U+00230 &#x0230; &#560;   230
Lowercase O With Dot Above and Macron ȱ U+00231 &#x0231; &#561;   231
Uppercase Y With Macron Ȳ U+00232 &#x0232; &#562;   232
Lowercase Y With Macron ȳ U+00233 &#x0233; &#563;   233
Lowercase L With Curl ȴ U+00234 &#x0234; &#564;   234
Lowercase N With Curl ȵ U+00235 &#x0235; &#565;   235
Lowercase T With Curl ȶ U+00236 &#x0236; &#566;   236
Lowercase Dotless J ȷ U+00237 &#x0237; &#567;   237
Lowercase Db Digraph ȸ U+00238 &#x0238; &#568;   238
Lowercase Qp Digraph ȹ U+00239 &#x0239; &#569;   239
Uppercase a With Stroke Ⱥ U+0023A &#x023A; &#570;   23A
Uppercase C With Stroke Ȼ U+0023B &#x023B; &#571;   23B
Lowercase C With Stroke ȼ U+0023C &#x023C; &#572;   23C
Uppercase L With Bar Ƚ U+0023D &#x023D; &#573;   23D
Uppercase T With Diagonal Stroke Ⱦ U+0023E &#x023E; &#574;   23E
Lowercase S With Swash Tail ȿ U+0023F &#x023F; &#575;   23F
Lowercase Z With Swash Tail ɀ U+00240 &#x0240; &#576;   240
Uppercase Glottal Stop Ɂ U+00241 &#x0241; &#577;   241
Lowercase Glottal Stop ɂ U+00242 &#x0242; &#578;   242
Uppercase B With Stroke Ƀ U+00243 &#x0243; &#579;   243
Uppercase U Bar Ʉ U+00244 &#x0244; &#580;   244
Uppercase Turned V Ʌ U+00245 &#x0245; &#581;   245
Uppercase E With Stroke Ɇ U+00246 &#x0246; &#582;   246
Lowercase E With Stroke ɇ U+00247 &#x0247; &#583;   247
Uppercase J With Stroke Ɉ U+00248 &#x0248; &#584;   248
Lowercase J With Stroke ɉ U+00249 &#x0249; &#585;   249
Uppercase Small Q With Hook Tail Ɋ U+0024A &#x024A; &#586;   24A
Lowercase Q With Hook Tail ɋ U+0024B &#x024B; &#587;   24B
Uppercase R With Stroke Ɍ U+0024C &#x024C; &#588;   24C
Lowercase R With Stroke ɍ U+0024D &#x024D; &#589;   24D
Uppercase Y With Stroke Ɏ U+0024E &#x024E; &#590;   24E
Lowercase Y With Stroke ɏ U+0024F &#x024F; &#591;   24F
Lowercase Turned A ɐ U+00250 &#x0250; &#592;   250
Lowercase Alpha ɑ U+00251 &#x0251; &#593;   251
Lowercase Turned Alpha ɒ U+00252 &#x0252; &#594;   252
Lowercase B With Hook ɓ U+00253 &#x0253; &#595;   253
Lowercase Open O ɔ U+00254 &#x0254; &#596;   254
Lowercase C With Curl ɕ U+00255 &#x0255; &#597;   255
Lowercase D With Tail ɖ U+00256 &#x0256; &#598;   256
Lowercase D With Hook ɗ U+00257 &#x0257; &#599;   257
Lowercase Reversed E ɘ U+00258 &#x0258; &#600;   258
Lowercase Schwa ə U+00259 &#x0259; &#601;   259
Lowercase Schwa With Hook ɚ U+0025A &#x025A; &#602;   25A
Lowercase Open E ɛ U+0025B &#x025B; &#603;   25B
Lowercase Reversed Open E ɜ U+0025C &#x025C; &#604;   25C
Lowercase Reversed Open E With Hook ɝ U+0025D &#x025D; &#605;   25D
Lowercase Closed Reversed Open E ɞ U+0025E &#x025E; &#606;   25E
Lowercase Dotless J With Stroke ɟ U+0025F &#x025F; &#607;   25F
Lowercase G With Hook ɠ U+00260 &#x0260; &#608;   260
Lowercase Script G ɡ U+00261 &#x0261; &#609;   261
Latin Letter Small Capital G ɢ U+00262 &#x0262; &#610;   262
Lowercase Gamma ɣ U+00263 &#x0263; &#611;   263
Lowercase Rams Horn ɤ U+00264 &#x0264; &#612;   264
Lowercase Turned H ɥ U+00265 &#x0265; &#613;   265
Lowercase H With Hook ɦ U+00266 &#x0266; &#614;   266
Lowercase Heng With Hook ɧ U+00267 &#x0267; &#615;   267
Lowercase I With Stroke ɨ U+00268 &#x0268; &#616;   268
Lowercase Iota ɩ U+00269 &#x0269; &#617;   269
Latin Letter Small Capital I ɪ U+0026A &#x026A; &#618;   26A
Lowercase L With Middle Tilde ɫ U+0026B &#x026B; &#619;   26B
Lowercase L With Belt ɬ U+0026C &#x026C; &#620;   26C
Lowercase L With Retroflex Hook ɭ U+0026D &#x026D; &#621;   26D
Lowercase Lezh ɮ U+0026E &#x026E; &#622;   26E
Lowercase Turned M ɯ U+0026F &#x026F; &#623;   26F
Lowercase Turned M With Long Leg ɰ U+00270 &#x0270; &#624;   270
Lowercase M With Hook ɱ U+00271 &#x0271; &#625;   271
Lowercase N With Left Hook ɲ U+00272 &#x0272; &#626;   272
Lowercase N With Retroflex Hook ɳ U+00273 &#x0273; &#627;   273
Latin Letter Small Capital N ɴ U+00274 &#x0274; &#628;   274
Lowercase Barred O ɵ U+00275 &#x0275; &#629;   275
Latin Letter Small Capital Oe ɶ U+00276 &#x0276; &#630;   276
Lowercase Closed Omega ɷ U+00277 &#x0277; &#631;   277
Lowercase Phi ɸ U+00278 &#x0278; &#632;   278
Lowercase Turned R ɹ U+00279 &#x0279; &#633;   279
Lowercase Turned R With Long Leg ɺ U+0027A &#x027A; &#634;   27A
Lowercase Turned R With Hook ɻ U+0027B &#x027B; &#635;   27B
Lowercase R With Long Leg ɼ U+0027C &#x027C; &#636;   27C
Lowercase R With Tail ɽ U+0027D &#x027D; &#637;   27D
Lowercase R With Fishhook ɾ U+0027E &#x027E; &#638;   27E
Lowercase Reversed R With Fishhook ɿ U+0027F &#x027F; &#639;   27F
Latin Letter Small Capital R ʀ U+00280 &#x0280; &#640;   280
Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted R ʁ U+00281 &#x0281; &#641;   281
Lowercase S With Hook ʂ U+00282 &#x0282; &#642;   282
Lowercase Esh ʃ U+00283 &#x0283; &#643;   283
Lowercase Dotless J With Stroke and Hook ʄ U+00284 &#x0284; &#644;   284
Lowercase Squat Reversed Esh ʅ U+00285 &#x0285; &#645;   285
Lowercase Esh With Curl ʆ U+00286 &#x0286; &#646;   286
Lowercase Turned T ʇ U+00287 &#x0287; &#647;   287
Lowercase T With Retroflex Hook ʈ U+00288 &#x0288; &#648;   288
Lowercase U Bar ʉ U+00289 &#x0289; &#649;   289
Lowercase Upsilon ʊ U+0028A &#x028A; &#650;   28A
Lowercase v With Hook ʋ U+0028B &#x028B; &#651;   28B
Lowercase Turned V ʌ U+0028C &#x028C; &#652;   28C
Lowercase Turned W ʍ U+0028D &#x028D; &#653;   28D
Lowercase Turned Y ʎ U+0028E &#x028E; &#654;   28E
Latin Letter Small Capital Y ʏ U+0028F &#x028F; &#655;   28F
Lowercase Z With Retroflex Hook ʐ U+00290 &#x0290; &#656;   290
Lowercase Z With Curl ʑ U+00291 &#x0291; &#657;   291
Lowercase Ezh ʒ U+00292 &#x0292; &#658;   292
Lowercase Ezh With Curl ʓ U+00293 &#x0293; &#659;   293
Latin Letter Glottal Stop ʔ U+00294 &#x0294; &#660;   294
Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative ʕ U+00295 &#x0295; &#661;   295
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop ʖ U+00296 &#x0296; &#662;   296
Latin Letter Stretched C ʗ U+00297 &#x0297; &#663;   297
Latin Letter Bilabial Click ʘ U+00298 &#x0298; &#664;   298
Latin Letter Small Capital B ʙ U+00299 &#x0299; &#665;   299
Lowercase Closed Open E ʚ U+0029A &#x029A; &#666;   29A
Latin Letter Small Capital G With Hook ʛ U+0029B &#x029B; &#667;   29B
Latin Letter Small Capital H ʜ U+0029C &#x029C; &#668;   29C
Lowercase J With Crossed-Tail ʝ U+0029D &#x029D; &#669;   29D
Lowercase Turned K ʞ U+0029E &#x029E; &#670;   29E
Latin Letter Small Capital L ʟ U+0029F &#x029F; &#671;   29F
Lowercase Q With Hook ʠ U+002A0 &#x02A0; &#672;   2A0
Latin Letter Glottal Stop With Stroke ʡ U+002A1 &#x02A1; &#673;   2A1
Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop With Stroke ʢ U+002A2 &#x02A2; &#674;   2A2
Lowercase Dz Digraph ʣ U+002A3 &#x02A3; &#675;   2A3
Lowercase Dezh Digraph ʤ U+002A4 &#x02A4; &#676;   2A4
Lowercase Dz Digraph With Curl ʥ U+002A5 &#x02A5; &#677;   2A5
Lowercase Ts Digraph ʦ U+002A6 &#x02A6; &#678;   2A6
Lowercase Tesh Digraph ʧ U+002A7 &#x02A7; &#679;   2A7
Lowercase Tc Digraph With Curl ʨ U+002A8 &#x02A8; &#680;   2A8
Lowercase Feng Digraph ʩ U+002A9 &#x02A9; &#681;   2A9
Lowercase Ls Digraph ʪ U+002AA &#x02AA; &#682;   2AA
Lowercase Lz Digraph ʫ U+002AB &#x02AB; &#683;   2AB
Lowercase Bilabial Percussive ʬ U+002AC &#x02AC; &#684;   2AC
Lowercase Bidental Percussive ʭ U+002AD &#x02AD; &#685;   2AD
Lowercase Turned H With Fishhook ʮ U+002AE &#x02AE; &#686;   2AE
Lowercase Turned H With Fishhook and Tail ʯ U+002AF &#x02AF; &#687;   2AF
Combining Grave Accent ̀ U+00300 &#x0300; &#768;   300
Combining Acute Accent ́ U+00301 &#x0301; &#769;   301
Combining Circumflex Accent ̂ U+00302 &#x0302; &#770;   302
Combining Tilde ̃ U+00303 &#x0303; &#771;   303
Combining Macron ̄ U+00304 &#x0304; &#772;   304
Combining Overline ̅ U+00305 &#x0305; &#773;   305
Combining Breve ̆ U+00306 &#x0306; &#774;   306
Combining Dot Above ̇ U+00307 &#x0307; &#775;   307
Combining Diaeresis ̈ U+00308 &#x0308; &#776;   308
Combining Hook Above ̉ U+00309 &#x0309; &#777;   309
Combining Ring Above ̊ U+0030A &#x030A; &#778;   30A
Combining Double Acute Accent ̋ U+0030B &#x030B; &#779;   30B
Combining Caron ̌ U+0030C &#x030C; &#780;   30C
Combining Vertical Line Above ̍ U+0030D &#x030D; &#781;   30D
Combining Double Vertical Line Above ̎ U+0030E &#x030E; &#782;   30E
Combining Double Grave Accent ̏ U+0030F &#x030F; &#783;   30F
Combining Candrabindu ̐ U+00310 &#x0310; &#784;   310
Combining Inverted Breve ̑ U+00311 &#x0311; &#785; &DownBreve; 311
Combining Turned Comma Above ̒ U+00312 &#x0312; &#786;   312
Combining Comma Above ̓ U+00313 &#x0313; &#787;   313
Combining Reversed Comma Above ̔ U+00314 &#x0314; &#788;   314
Combining Comma Above Right ̕ U+00315 &#x0315; &#789;   315
Combining Grave Accent Below ̖ U+00316 &#x0316; &#790;   316
Combining Acute Accent Below ̗ U+00317 &#x0317; &#791;   317
Combining Left Tack Below ̘ U+00318 &#x0318; &#792;   318
Combining Right Tack Below ̙ U+00319 &#x0319; &#793;   319
Combining Left Angle Above ̚ U+0031A &#x031A; &#794;   31A
Combining Horn ̛ U+0031B &#x031B; &#795;   31B
Combining Left Half Ring Below ̜ U+0031C &#x031C; &#796;   31C
Combining Up Tack Below ̝ U+0031D &#x031D; &#797;   31D
Combining Down Tack Below ̞ U+0031E &#x031E; &#798;   31E
Combining Plus Sign Below ̟ U+0031F &#x031F; &#799;   31F
Combining Minus Sign Below ̠ U+00320 &#x0320; &#800;   320
Combining Palatalized Hook Below ̡ U+00321 &#x0321; &#801;   321
Combining Retroflex Hook Below ̢ U+00322 &#x0322; &#802;   322
Combining Dot Below ̣ U+00323 &#x0323; &#803;   323
Combining Diaeresis Below ̤ U+00324 &#x0324; &#804;   324
Combining Ring Below ̥ U+00325 &#x0325; &#805;   325
Combining Comma Below ̦ U+00326 &#x0326; &#806;   326
Combining Cedilla ̧ U+00327 &#x0327; &#807;   327
Combining Ogonek ̨ U+00328 &#x0328; &#808;   328
Combining Vertical Line Below ̩ U+00329 &#x0329; &#809;   329
Combining Bridge Below ̪ U+0032A &#x032A; &#810;   32A
Combining Inverted Double Arch Below ̫ U+0032B &#x032B; &#811;   32B
Combining Caron Below ̬ U+0032C &#x032C; &#812;   32C
Combining Circumflex Accent Below ̭ U+0032D &#x032D; &#813;   32D
Combining Breve Below ̮ U+0032E &#x032E; &#814;   32E
Combining Inverted Breve Below ̯ U+0032F &#x032F; &#815;   32F
Combining Tilde Below ̰ U+00330 &#x0330; &#816;   330
Combining Macron Below ̱ U+00331 &#x0331; &#817;   331
Combining Low Line ̲ U+00332 &#x0332; &#818;   332
Combining Double Low Line ̳ U+00333 &#x0333; &#819;   333
Combining Tilde Overlay ̴ U+00334 &#x0334; &#820;   334
Combining Short Stroke Overlay ̵ U+00335 &#x0335; &#821;   335
Combining Long Stroke Overlay ̶ U+00336 &#x0336; &#822;   336
Combining Short Solidus Overlay ̷ U+00337 &#x0337; &#823;   337
Combining Long Solidus Overlay ̸ U+00338 &#x0338; &#824;   338
Combining Right Half Ring Below ̹ U+00339 &#x0339; &#825;   339
Combining Inverted Bridge Below ̺ U+0033A &#x033A; &#826;   33A
Combining Square Below ̻ U+0033B &#x033B; &#827;   33B
Combining Seagull Below ̼ U+0033C &#x033C; &#828;   33C
Combining X Above ̽ U+0033D &#x033D; &#829;   33D
Combining Vertical Tilde ̾ U+0033E &#x033E; &#830;   33E
Combining Double Overline ̿ U+0033F &#x033F; &#831;   33F
Combining Grave Tone Mark ̀ U+00340 &#x0340; &#832;   340
Combining Acute Tone Mark ́ U+00341 &#x0341; &#833;   341
Combining Greek Perispomeni ͂ U+00342 &#x0342; &#834;   342
Combining Greek Koronis ̓ U+00343 &#x0343; &#835;   343
Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos ̈́ U+00344 &#x0344; &#836;   344
Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni ͅ U+00345 &#x0345; &#837;   345
Combining Bridge Above ͆ U+00346 &#x0346; &#838;   346
Combining Equals Sign Below ͇ U+00347 &#x0347; &#839;   347
Combining Double Vertical Line Below ͈ U+00348 &#x0348; &#840;   348
Combining Left Angle Below ͉ U+00349 &#x0349; &#841;   349
Combining Not Tilde Above ͊ U+0034A &#x034A; &#842;   34A
Combining Homothetic Above ͋ U+0034B &#x034B; &#843;   34B
Combining Almost Equal to Above ͌ U+0034C &#x034C; &#844;   34C
Combining Left Right Arrow Below ͍ U+0034D &#x034D; &#845;   34D
Combining Up Arrow Below ͎ U+0034E &#x034E; &#846;   34E
Combining Grapheme Joiner ͏ U+0034F &#x034F; &#847;   34F
Combining Right Arrowhead Above ͐ U+00350 &#x0350; &#848;   350
Combining Left Half Ring Above ͑ U+00351 &#x0351; &#849;   351
Combining Fermata ͒ U+00352 &#x0352; &#850;   352
Combining X Below ͓ U+00353 &#x0353; &#851;   353
Combining Left Arrowhead Below ͔ U+00354 &#x0354; &#852;   354
Combining Right Arrowhead Below ͕ U+00355 &#x0355; &#853;   355
Combining Right Arrowhead and Up Arrowhead Below ͖ U+00356 &#x0356; &#854;   356
Combining Right Half Ring Above ͗ U+00357 &#x0357; &#855;   357
Combining Dot Above Right ͘ U+00358 &#x0358; &#856;   358
Combining Asterisk Below ͙ U+00359 &#x0359; &#857;   359
Combining Double Ring Below ͚ U+0035A &#x035A; &#858;   35A
Combining Zigzag Above ͛ U+0035B &#x035B; &#859;   35B
Combining Double Breve Below ͜ U+0035C &#x035C; &#860;   35C
Combining Double Breve ͝ U+0035D &#x035D; &#861;   35D
Combining Double Macron ͞ U+0035E &#x035E; &#862;   35E
Combining Double Macron Below ͟ U+0035F &#x035F; &#863;   35F
Combining Double Tilde ͠ U+00360 &#x0360; &#864;   360
Combining Double Inverted Breve ͡ U+00361 &#x0361; &#865;   361
Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below ͢ U+00362 &#x0362; &#866;   362
Combining Latin Small Letter A ͣ U+00363 &#x0363; &#867;   363
Combining Latin Small Letter E ͤ U+00364 &#x0364; &#868;   364
Combining Latin Small Letter I ͥ U+00365 &#x0365; &#869;   365
Combining Latin Small Letter O ͦ U+00366 &#x0366; &#870;   366
Combining Latin Small Letter U ͧ U+00367 &#x0367; &#871;   367
Combining Latin Small Letter C ͨ U+00368 &#x0368; &#872;   368
Combining Latin Small Letter D ͩ U+00369 &#x0369; &#873;   369
Combining Latin Small Letter H ͪ U+0036A &#x036A; &#874;   36A
Combining Latin Small Letter M ͫ U+0036B &#x036B; &#875;   36B
Combining Latin Small Letter R ͬ U+0036C &#x036C; &#876;   36C
Combining Latin Small Letter T ͭ U+0036D &#x036D; &#877;   36D
Combining Latin Small Letter V ͮ U+0036E &#x036E; &#878;   36E
Combining Latin Small Letter X ͯ U+0036F &#x036F; &#879;   36F


Plus Sign + U+0002B &#x2b; &#43; &plus; 02B
Minus Sign U+02212 &#x2212; &#8722; &minus; 2212
Multiplication Sign × U+000D7 &#xd7; &#215; &times; 0D7
Division Sign ÷ U+000F7 &#xf7; &#247; &divide; 0F7
Equal Sign = U+0003D &#x3d; &#61; &equals; 03D
Not Equal To Sign U+02260 &#x2260; &#8800; &ne; 2260
Plus or Minus Sign ± U+000B1 &#xb1; &#177; &plusmn; 0B1
Not Sign ¬ U+000AC &#xac; &#172; &not; 0AC
Less-Than Sign < U+0003C &#x3c; &#60; &lt; 03C
Greater-Than Sign > U+0003E &#x3e; &#62; &gt; 03E
Equal to or Less-Than Sign U+022DC &#x22DC; &#8924;   22DC
Equal to or Greater-Than Sign U+022DD &#x22DD; &#8925;   22DD
Degree Sign ° U+000B0 &#xb0; &#176; &deg; 0B0
Superscript One ¹ U+000B9 &#xb9; &#185; &sup1; 0B9
Superscript Two ² U+000B2 &#xb2; &#178; &sup2; 0B2
Superscript Three ³ U+000B3 &#xb3; &#179; &sup3; 0B3
Function ƒ U+00192 &#x192; &#402; &fnof; 192
Percent Sign % U+00025 &#x25; &#37; &percnt; 025
Per Mille Sign U+00089 &#x89; &#137; &permil; 089
Per Ten Thousand Sign U+02031 &#x2031; &#8241; &pertenk; 2031
For All U+02200 &#x2200; &#8704; &forall; 2200
Complement U+02201 &#x2201; &#8705; &comp; 2201
Partial Differential U+02202 &#x2202; &#8706; &part; 2202
There Exists U+02203 &#x2203; &#8707; &exist; 2203
There Does Not Exist U+02204 &#x2204; &#8708; &nexist; 2204
Empty Set U+02205 &#x2205; &#8709; &empty; 2205
Increment U+02206 &#x2206; &#8710;   2206
Nabla U+02207 &#x2207; &#8711; &nabla; 2207
Element Of U+02208 &#x2208; &#8712; &isin; 2208
Not an Element Of U+02209 &#x2209; &#8713; &notin; 2209
Small Element Of U+0220A &#x220A; &#8714;   220A
Contains as Member U+0220B &#x220B; &#8715; &ni; 220B
Does Not Contain as Member U+0220C &#x220C; &#8716; &notni; 220C
Small Contains as Member U+0220D &#x220D; &#8717;   220D
End of Proof U+0220E &#x220E; &#8718;   220E
N-Ary Product U+0220F &#x220F; &#8719; &prod; 220F
N-Ary Coproduct U+02210 &#x2210; &#8720; &coprod; 2210
N-Ary Summation U+02211 &#x2211; &#8721; &sum; 2211
Minus-or-Plus Sign U+02213 &#x2213; &#8723; &mnplus; 2213
Dot Plus U+02214 &#x2214; &#8724; &plusdo; 2214
Division Slash U+02215 &#x2215; &#8725;   2215
Set Minus U+02216 &#x2216; &#8726; &setminus; 2216
Asterisk Operator U+02217 &#x2217; &#8727; &lowast; 2217
Ring Operator U+02218 &#x2218; &#8728; &compfn; 2218
Bullet Operator U+02219 &#x2219; &#8729;   2219
Square Root U+0221A &#x221A; &#8730; &radic; 221A
Cube Root U+0221B &#x221B; &#8731;   221B
Fourth Root U+0221C &#x221C; &#8732;   221C
Proportional To U+0221D &#x221D; &#8733; &prop; 221D
Infinity U+0221E &#x221E; &#8734; &infin; 221E
Right Angle U+0221F &#x221F; &#8735; &angrt; 221F
Angle U+02220 &#x2220; &#8736; &ang; 2220
Measured Angle U+02221 &#x2221; &#8737; &angmsd; 2221
Spherical Angle U+02222 &#x2222; &#8738; &angsph; 2222
Divides U+02223 &#x2223; &#8739; &mid; 2223
Does Not Divide U+02224 &#x2224; &#8740; &nmid; 2224
Parallel To U+02225 &#x2225; &#8741; &parallel; 2225
Not Parallel To U+02226 &#x2226; &#8742; &npar; 2226
Logical And U+02227 &#x2227; &#8743; &and; 2227
Logical Or U+02228 &#x2228; &#8744; &or; 2228
Intersection U+02229 &#x2229; &#8745; &cap; 2229
Union U+0222A &#x222A; &#8746; &cup; 222A
Integral U+0222B &#x222B; &#8747; &int; 222B
Double Integral U+0222C &#x222C; &#8748; &Int; 222C
Triple Integral U+0222D &#x222D; &#8749; &iiint; 222D
Contour Integral U+0222E &#x222E; &#8750; &conint; 222E
Surface Integral U+0222F &#x222F; &#8751; &Conint; 222F
Volume Integral U+02230 &#x2230; &#8752; &Cconint; 2230
Clockwise Integral U+02231 &#x2231; &#8753; &cwint; 2231
Clockwise Contour Integral U+02232 &#x2232; &#8754; &cwconint; 2232
Anticlockwise Contour Integral U+02233 &#x2233; &#8755; &awconint; 2233
Therefore U+02234 &#x2234; &#8756; &there4; 2234
Because U+02235 &#x2235; &#8757; &because; 2235
Ratio U+02236 &#x2236; &#8758; &ratio; 2236
Proportion U+02237 &#x2237; &#8759; &Colon; 2237
Dot Minus U+02238 &#x2238; &#8760; &minusd; 2238
Excess U+02239 &#x2239; &#8761;   2239
Geometric Proportion U+0223A &#x223A; &#8762; &mDDot; 223A
Homothetic U+0223B &#x223B; &#8763; &homtht; 223B
Tilde Operator U+0223C &#x223C; &#8764; &sim; 223C
Reversed Tilde U+0223D &#x223D; &#8765; &bsim; 223D
Inverted Lazy S U+0223E &#x223E; &#8766; &ac; 223E
Sine Wave U+0223F &#x223F; &#8767; &acd; 223F
Wreath Product U+02240 &#x2240; &#8768; &wreath; 2240
Not Tilde U+02241 &#x2241; &#8769; &nsim; 2241
Minus Tilde U+02242 &#x2242; &#8770; &esim; 2242
Asymptotically Equal To U+02243 &#x2243; &#8771; &sime; 2243
Not Asymptotically Equal To U+02244 &#x2244; &#8772; &nsime; 2244
Approximately Equal To U+02245 &#x2245; &#8773; &cong; 2245
Approximately but Not Actually Equal To U+02246 &#x2246; &#8774; &simne; 2246
Neither Approximately Nor Actually Equal To U+02247 &#x2247; &#8775; &ncong; 2247
Almost Equal To U+02248 &#x2248; &#8776; &asymp; 2248
Not Almost Equal To U+02249 &#x2249; &#8777; &nap; 2249
Almost Equal or Equal To U+0224A &#x224A; &#8778; &approxeq; 224A
Triple Tilde U+0224B &#x224B; &#8779; &apid; 224B
All Equal To U+0224C &#x224C; &#8780; &bcong; 224C
Equivalent To U+0224D &#x224D; &#8781; &asympeq; 224D
Geometrically Equivalent To U+0224E &#x224E; &#8782; &bump; 224E
Difference Between U+0224F &#x224F; &#8783; &bumpe; 224F
Approaches the Limit U+02250 &#x2250; &#8784; &esdot; 2250
Geometrically Equal To U+02251 &#x2251; &#8785; &eDot; 2251
Approximately Equal to or the Image Of U+02252 &#x2252; &#8786; &efDot; 2252
Image of or Approximately Equal To U+02253 &#x2253; &#8787; &erDot; 2253
Colon Equals U+02254 &#x2254; &#8788; &colone; 2254
Equals Colon U+02255 &#x2255; &#8789; &ecolon; 2255
Ring in Equal To U+02256 &#x2256; &#8790; &ecir; 2256
Ring Equal To U+02257 &#x2257; &#8791; &cire; 2257
Corresponds To U+02258 &#x2258; &#8792;   2258
Estimates U+02259 &#x2259; &#8793; &wedgeq; 2259
Equiangular To U+0225A &#x225A; &#8794; &veeeq; 225A
Star Equals U+0225B &#x225B; &#8795;   225B
Delta Equal To U+0225C &#x225C; &#8796; &trie; 225C
Equal to by Definition U+0225D &#x225D; &#8797;   225D
Measured By U+0225E &#x225E; &#8798;   225E
Questioned Equal To U+0225F &#x225F; &#8799; &equest; 225F
Identical To U+02261 &#x2261; &#8801; &equiv; 2261
Not Identical To U+02262 &#x2262; &#8802; &nequiv; 2262
Strictly Equivalent To U+02263 &#x2263; &#8803;   2263
Less-Than or Equal To U+02264 &#x2264; &#8804; &le; 2264
Greater-Than or Equal To U+02265 &#x2265; &#8805; &ge; 2265
Less-Than Over Equal To U+02266 &#x2266; &#8806; &lE; 2266
Greater-Than Over Equal To U+02267 &#x2267; &#8807; &gE; 2267
Less-Than but Not Equal To U+02268 &#x2268; &#8808; &lnE; 2268
Greater-Than but Not Equal To U+02269 &#x2269; &#8809; &gnE; 2269
Much Less-Than U+0226A &#x226A; &#8810; &Lt; 226A
Much Greater-Than U+0226B &#x226B; &#8811; &Gt; 226B
Between U+0226C &#x226C; &#8812; &between; 226C
Not Equivalent To U+0226D &#x226D; &#8813; &NotCupCap; 226D
Not Less-Than U+0226E &#x226E; &#8814; &nlt; 226E
Not Greater-Than U+0226F &#x226F; &#8815; &ngt; 226F
Neither Less-Than Nor Equal To U+02270 &#x2270; &#8816; &nle; 2270
Neither Greater-Than Nor Equal To U+02271 &#x2271; &#8817; &nge; 2271
Less-Than or Equivalent To U+02272 &#x2272; &#8818; &lsim; 2272
Greater-Than or Equivalent To U+02273 &#x2273; &#8819; &gsim; 2273
Neither Less-Than Nor Equivalent To U+02274 &#x2274; &#8820; &nlsim; 2274
Neither Greater-Than Nor Equivalent To U+02275 &#x2275; &#8821; &ngsim; 2275
Less-Than or Greater-Than U+02276 &#x2276; &#8822; &lg; 2276
Greater-Than or Less-Than U+02277 &#x2277; &#8823; &gl; 2277
Neither Less-Than Nor Greater-Than U+02278 &#x2278; &#8824; &ntlg; 2278
Neither Greater-Than Nor Less-Than U+02279 &#x2279; &#8825; &ntgl; 2279
Precedes U+0227A &#x227A; &#8826; &pr; 227A
Succeeds U+0227B &#x227B; &#8827; &sc; 227B
Precedes or Equal To U+0227C &#x227C; &#8828; &prcue; 227C
Succeeds or Equal To U+0227D &#x227D; &#8829; &sccue; 227D
Precedes or Equivalent To U+0227E &#x227E; &#8830; &prsim; 227E
Succeeds or Equivalent To U+0227F &#x227F; &#8831; &scsim; 227F
Does Not Precede U+02280 &#x2280; &#8832; &npr; 2280
Does Not Succeed U+02281 &#x2281; &#8833; &nsc; 2281
Subset Of U+02282 &#x2282; &#8834; &sub; 2282
Superset Of U+02283 &#x2283; &#8835; &sup; 2283
Not a Subset Of U+02284 &#x2284; &#8836; &nsub; 2284
Not a Superset Of U+02285 &#x2285; &#8837; &nsup; 2285
Subset of or Equal To U+02286 &#x2286; &#8838; &sube; 2286
Superset of or Equal To U+02287 &#x2287; &#8839; &supe; 2287
Neither a Subset of Nor Equal To U+02288 &#x2288; &#8840; &nsube; 2288
Neither a Superset of Nor Equal To U+02289 &#x2289; &#8841; &nsupe; 2289
Subset of With Not Equal To U+0228A &#x228A; &#8842; &subne; 228A
Superset of With Not Equal To U+0228B &#x228B; &#8843; &supne; 228B
Multiset U+0228C &#x228C; &#8844;   228C
Multiset Multiplication U+0228D &#x228D; &#8845; &cupdot; 228D
Multiset Union U+0228E &#x228E; &#8846; &uplus; 228E
Square Image Of U+0228F &#x228F; &#8847; &sqsub; 228F
Square Original Of U+02290 &#x2290; &#8848; &sqsup; 2290
Square Image of or Equal To U+02291 &#x2291; &#8849; &sqsube; 2291
Square Original of or Equal To U+02292 &#x2292; &#8850; &sqsupe; 2292
Square Cap U+02293 &#x2293; &#8851; &sqcap; 2293
Square Cup U+02294 &#x2294; &#8852; &sqcup; 2294
Circled Plus U+02295 &#x2295; &#8853; &oplus; 2295
Circled Minus U+02296 &#x2296; &#8854; &ominus; 2296
Circled Times U+02297 &#x2297; &#8855; &otimes; 2297
Circled Division Slash U+02298 &#x2298; &#8856; &osol; 2298
Circled Dot Operator U+02299 &#x2299; &#8857; &odot; 2299
Circled Ring Operator U+0229A &#x229A; &#8858; &ocir; 229A
Circled Asterisk Operator U+0229B &#x229B; &#8859; &oast; 229B
Circled Equals U+0229C &#x229C; &#8860;   229C
Circled Dash U+0229D &#x229D; &#8861; &odash; 229D
Squared Plus U+0229E &#x229E; &#8862; &plusb; 229E
Squared Minus U+0229F &#x229F; &#8863; &minusb; 229F
Squared Times U+022A0 &#x22A0; &#8864; &timesb; 22A0
Squared Dot Operator U+022A1 &#x22A1; &#8865; &sdotb; 22A1
Right Tack U+022A2 &#x22A2; &#8866; &vdash; 22A2
Left Tack U+022A3 &#x22A3; &#8867; &dashv; 22A3
Down Tack U+022A4 &#x22A4; &#8868; &top; 22A4
Up Tack U+022A5 &#x22A5; &#8869; &perp; 22A5
Assertion U+022A6 &#x22A6; &#8870;   22A6
Models U+022A7 &#x22A7; &#8871; &models; 22A7
True U+022A8 &#x22A8; &#8872; &vDash; 22A8
Forces U+022A9 &#x22A9; &#8873; &Vdash; 22A9
Triple Vertical Bar Right Turnstile U+022AA &#x22AA; &#8874; &Vvdash; 22AA
Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile U+022AB &#x22AB; &#8875; &VDash; 22AB
Does Not Prove U+022AC &#x22AC; &#8876; &nvdash; 22AC
Not True U+022AD &#x22AD; &#8877; &nvDash; 22AD
Does Not Force U+022AE &#x22AE; &#8878; &nVdash; 22AE
Negated Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile U+022AF &#x22AF; &#8879; &nVDash; 22AF
Precedes Under Relation U+022B0 &#x22B0; &#8880; &prurel; 22B0
Succeeds Under Relation U+022B1 &#x22B1; &#8881;   22B1
Normal Subgroup Of U+022B2 &#x22B2; &#8882; &vltri; 22B2
Contains as Normal Subgroup U+022B3 &#x22B3; &#8883; &vrtri; 22B3
Normal Subgroup of or Equal To U+022B4 &#x22B4; &#8884; &ltrie; 22B4
Contains as Normal Subgroup or Equal To U+022B5 &#x22B5; &#8885; &rtrie; 22B5
Original Of U+022B6 &#x22B6; &#8886; &origof; 22B6
Image Of U+022B7 &#x22B7; &#8887; &imof; 22B7
Multimap U+022B8 &#x22B8; &#8888; &mumap; 22B8
Hermitian Conjugate Matrix U+022B9 &#x22B9; &#8889; &hercon; 22B9
Intercalate U+022BA &#x22BA; &#8890; &intcal; 22BA
Xor U+022BB &#x22BB; &#8891; &veebar; 22BB
Nand U+022BC &#x22BC; &#8892;   22BC
Nor U+022BD &#x22BD; &#8893; &barvee; 22BD
Right Angle With Arc U+022BE &#x22BE; &#8894; &angrtvb; 22BE
Right Triangle U+022BF &#x22BF; &#8895; &lrtri; 22BF
N-Ary Logical And U+022C0 &#x22C0; &#8896; &xwedge; 22C0
N-Ary Logical Or U+022C1 &#x22C1; &#8897; &xvee; 22C1
N-Ary Intersection U+022C2 &#x22C2; &#8898; &xcap; 22C2
N-Ary Union U+022C3 &#x22C3; &#8899; &xcup; 22C3
Diamond Operator U+022C4 &#x22C4; &#8900; &diamond; 22C4
Dot Operator U+022C5 &#x22C5; &#8901; &sdot; 22C5
Star Operator U+022C6 &#x22C6; &#8902; &Star; 22C6
Division Times U+022C7 &#x22C7; &#8903; &divonx; 22C7
Bowtie U+022C8 &#x22C8; &#8904; &bowtie; 22C8
Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product U+022C9 &#x22C9; &#8905; &ltimes; 22C9
Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product U+022CA &#x22CA; &#8906; &rtimes; 22CA
Left Semidirect Product U+022CB &#x22CB; &#8907; &lthree; 22CB
Right Semidirect Product U+022CC &#x22CC; &#8908; &rthree; 22CC
Reversed Tilde Equals U+022CD &#x22CD; &#8909; &bsime; 22CD
Curly Logical Or U+022CE &#x22CE; &#8910; &cuvee; 22CE
Curly Logical And U+022CF &#x22CF; &#8911; &cuwed; 22CF
Double Subset U+022D0 &#x22D0; &#8912; &Sub; 22D0
Double Superset U+022D1 &#x22D1; &#8913; &Sup; 22D1
Double Intersection U+022D2 &#x22D2; &#8914; &Cap; 22D2
Double Union U+022D3 &#x22D3; &#8915; &Cup; 22D3
Pitchfork U+022D4 &#x22D4; &#8916; &fork; 22D4
Equal and Parallel To U+022D5 &#x22D5; &#8917; &epar; 22D5
Less-Than With Dot U+022D6 &#x22D6; &#8918; &ltdot; 22D6
Greater-Than With Dot U+022D7 &#x22D7; &#8919; &gtdot; 22D7
Very Much Less-Than U+022D8 &#x22D8; &#8920; &Ll; 22D8
Very Much Greater-Than U+022D9 &#x22D9; &#8921; &Gg; 22D9
Less-Than Equal to or Greater-Than U+022DA &#x22DA; &#8922; &leg; 22DA
Greater-Than Equal to or Less-Than U+022DB &#x22DB; &#8923; &gel; 22DB
Equal to or Precedes U+022DE &#x22DE; &#8926; &cuepr; 22DE
Equal to or Succeeds U+022DF &#x22DF; &#8927; &cuesc; 22DF
Does Not Precede or Equal U+022E0 &#x22E0; &#8928; &nprcue; 22E0
Does Not Succeed or Equal U+022E1 &#x22E1; &#8929; &nsccue; 22E1
Not Square Image of or Equal To U+022E2 &#x22E2; &#8930; &nsqsube; 22E2
Not Square Original of or Equal To U+022E3 &#x22E3; &#8931; &nsqsupe; 22E3
Square Image of or Not Equal To U+022E4 &#x22E4; &#8932;   22E4
Square Original of or Not Equal To U+022E5 &#x22E5; &#8933;   22E5
Less-Than but Not Equivalent To U+022E6 &#x22E6; &#8934; &lnsim; 22E6
Greater-Than but Not Equivalent To U+022E7 &#x22E7; &#8935; &gnsim; 22E7
Precedes but Not Equivalent To U+022E8 &#x22E8; &#8936; &prnsim; 22E8
Succeeds but Not Equivalent To U+022E9 &#x22E9; &#8937; &scnsim; 22E9
Not Normal Subgroup Of U+022EA &#x22EA; &#8938; &nltri; 22EA
Does Not Contain as Normal Subgroup U+022EB &#x22EB; &#8939; &nrtri; 22EB
Not Normal Subgroup of or Equal To U+022EC &#x22EC; &#8940; &nltrie; 22EC
Does Not Contain as Normal Subgroup or Equal U+022ED &#x22ED; &#8941; &nrtrie; 22ED
Vertical Ellipsis U+022EE &#x22EE; &#8942; &vellip; 22EE
Midline Horizontal Ellipsis U+022EF &#x22EF; &#8943; &ctdot; 22EF
Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis U+022F0 &#x22F0; &#8944; &utdot; 22F0
Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis U+022F1 &#x22F1; &#8945; &dtdot; 22F1
Element of With Long Horizontal Stroke U+022F2 &#x22F2; &#8946; &disin; 22F2
Element of With Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke U+022F3 &#x22F3; &#8947; &isinsv; 22F3
Small Element of With Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke U+022F4 &#x22F4; &#8948; &isins; 22F4
Element of With Dot Above U+022F5 &#x22F5; &#8949; &isindot; 22F5
Element of With Overbar U+022F6 &#x22F6; &#8950; &notinvc; 22F6
Small Element of With Overbar U+022F7 &#x22F7; &#8951; &notinvb; 22F7
Element of With Underbar U+022F8 &#x22F8; &#8952;   22F8
Element of With Two Horizontal Strokes U+022F9 &#x22F9; &#8953; &isinE; 22F9
Contains With Long Horizontal Stroke U+022FA &#x22FA; &#8954; &nisd; 22FA
Contains With Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke U+022FB &#x22FB; &#8955; &xnis; 22FB
Small Contains With Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke U+022FC &#x22FC; &#8956; &nis; 22FC
Contains With Overbar U+022FD &#x22FD; &#8957; &notnivc; 22FD
Small Contains With Overbar U+022FE &#x22FE; &#8958; &notnivb; 22FE
Z Notation Bag Membership U+022FF &#x22FF; &#8959;   22FF
Superscript Zero U+02070 &#x2070; &#8304;   2070
Superscript Latin Small Letter I U+02071 &#x2071; &#8305;   2071
Superscript Four U+02074 &#x2074; &#8308;   2074
Superscript Five U+02075 &#x2075; &#8309;   2075
Superscript Six U+02076 &#x2076; &#8310;   2076
Superscript Seven U+02077 &#x2077; &#8311;   2077
Superscript Eight U+02078 &#x2078; &#8312;   2078
Superscript Nine U+02079 &#x2079; &#8313;   2079
Superscript Plus Sign U+0207A &#x207A; &#8314;   207A
Superscript Minus U+0207B &#x207B; &#8315;   207B
Superscript Equals Sign U+0207C &#x207C; &#8316;   207C
Superscript Left Parenthesis U+0207D &#x207D; &#8317;   207D
Superscript Right Parenthesis U+0207E &#x207E; &#8318;   207E
Superscript Latin Small Letter N U+0207F &#x207F; &#8319;   207F
Subscript Zero U+02080 &#x2080; &#8320;   2080
Subscript One U+02081 &#x2081; &#8321;   2081
Subscript Two U+02082 &#x2082; &#8322;   2082
Subscript Three U+02083 &#x2083; &#8323;   2083
Subscript Four U+02084 &#x2084; &#8324;   2084
Subscript Five U+02085 &#x2085; &#8325;   2085
Subscript Six U+02086 &#x2086; &#8326;   2086
Subscript Seven U+02087 &#x2087; &#8327;   2087
Subscript Eight U+02088 &#x2088; &#8328;   2088
Subscript Nine U+02089 &#x2089; &#8329;   2089
Subscript Plus Sign U+0208A &#x208A; &#8330;   208A
Subscript Minus U+0208B &#x208B; &#8331;   208B
Subscript Equals Sign U+0208C &#x208C; &#8332;   208C
Subscript Left Parenthesis U+0208D &#x208D; &#8333;   208D
Subscript Right Parenthesis U+0208E &#x208E; &#8334;   208E
Latin Subscript Small Letter A U+02090 &#x2090; &#8336;   2090
Latin Subscript Small Letter E U+02091 &#x2091; &#8337;   2091
Latin Subscript Small Letter O U+02092 &#x2092; &#8338;   2092
Latin Subscript Small Letter X U+02093 &#x2093; &#8339;   2093
Latin Subscript Small Letter Schwa U+02094 &#x2094; &#8340;   2094


Zero 0 U+00030 &#x30; &#48;   030
One 1 U+00031 &#x31; &#49;   031
Two 2 U+00032 &#x32; &#50;   032
Three 3 U+00033 &#x33; &#51;   033
Four 4 U+00034 &#x34; &#52;   034
Five 5 U+00035 &#x35; &#53;   035
Six 6 U+00036 &#x36; &#54;   036
Seven 7 U+00037 &#x37; &#55;   037
Eight 8 U+00038 &#x38; &#56;   038
Nine 9 U+00039 &#x39; &#57;   039
Fraction One Quarter ¼ U+000BC &#xbc; &#188; &frac14; 0BC
Fraction One Half ½ U+000BD &#xbd; &#189; &frac12; 0BD
Fraction Three Quarters ¾ U+000BE &#xbe; &#190; &frac34; 0BE
Vulgar Fraction One Seventh U+02150 &#x2150; &#8528;   2150
Vulgar Fraction One Ninth U+02151 &#x2151; &#8529;   2151
Vulgar Fraction One Tenth U+02152 &#x2152; &#8530;   2152
Vulgar Fraction One Third U+02153 &#x2153; &#8531; &frac13; 2153
Vulgar Fraction Two Thirds U+02154 &#x2154; &#8532; &frac23; 2154
Vulgar Fraction One Fifth U+02155 &#x2155; &#8533; &frac15; 2155
Vulgar Fraction Two Fifths U+02156 &#x2156; &#8534; &frac25; 2156
Vulgar Fraction Three Fifths U+02157 &#x2157; &#8535; &frac35; 2157
Vulgar Fraction Four Fifths U+02158 &#x2158; &#8536; &frac45; 2158
Vulgar Fraction One Sixth U+02159 &#x2159; &#8537; &frac16; 2159
Vulgar Fraction Five Sixths U+0215A &#x215A; &#8538; &frac56; 215A
Vulgar Fraction One Eighth U+0215B &#x215B; &#8539; &frac18; 215B
Vulgar Fraction Three Eighths U+0215C &#x215C; &#8540; &frac38; 215C
Vulgar Fraction Five Eighths U+0215D &#x215D; &#8541; &frac58; 215D
Vulgar Fraction Seven Eighths U+0215E &#x215E; &#8542; &frac78; 215E
Fraction Numerator One U+0215F &#x215F; &#8543;   215F
Roman Numeral One U+02160 &#x2160; &#8544;   2160
Roman Numeral Two U+02161 &#x2161; &#8545;   2161
Roman Numeral Three U+02162 &#x2162; &#8546;   2162
Roman Numeral Four U+02163 &#x2163; &#8547;   2163
Roman Numeral Five U+02164 &#x2164; &#8548;   2164
Roman Numeral Six U+02165 &#x2165; &#8549;   2165
Roman Numeral Seven U+02166 &#x2166; &#8550;   2166
Roman Numeral Eight U+02167 &#x2167; &#8551;   2167
Roman Numeral Nine U+02168 &#x2168; &#8552;   2168
Roman Numeral Ten U+02169 &#x2169; &#8553;   2169
Roman Numeral Eleven U+0216A &#x216A; &#8554;   216A
Roman Numeral Twelve U+0216B &#x216B; &#8555;   216B
Roman Numeral Fifty U+0216C &#x216C; &#8556;   216C
Roman Numeral One Hundred U+0216D &#x216D; &#8557;   216D
Roman Numeral Five Hundred U+0216E &#x216E; &#8558;   216E
Roman Numeral One Thousand U+0216F &#x216F; &#8559;   216F
Small Roman Numeral One U+02170 &#x2170; &#8560;   2170
Small Roman Numeral Two U+02171 &#x2171; &#8561;   2171
Small Roman Numeral Three U+02172 &#x2172; &#8562;   2172
Small Roman Numeral Four U+02173 &#x2173; &#8563;   2173
Small Roman Numeral Five U+02174 &#x2174; &#8564;   2174
Small Roman Numeral Six U+02175 &#x2175; &#8565;   2175
Small Roman Numeral Seven U+02176 &#x2176; &#8566;   2176
Small Roman Numeral Eight U+02177 &#x2177; &#8567;   2177
Small Roman Numeral Nine U+02178 &#x2178; &#8568;   2178
Small Roman Numeral Ten U+02179 &#x2179; &#8569;   2179
Small Roman Numeral Eleven U+0217A &#x217A; &#8570;   217A
Small Roman Numeral Twelve U+0217B &#x217B; &#8571;   217B
Small Roman Numeral Fifty U+0217C &#x217C; &#8572;   217C
Small Roman Numeral One Hundred U+0217D &#x217D; &#8573;   217D
Small Roman Numeral Five Hundred U+0217E &#x217E; &#8574;   217E
Small Roman Numeral One Thousand U+0217F &#x217F; &#8575;   217F
Roman Numeral One Thousand C D U+02180 &#x2180; &#8576;   2180
Roman Numeral Five Thousand U+02181 &#x2181; &#8577;   2181
Roman Numeral Ten Thousand U+02182 &#x2182; &#8578;   2182
Roman Numeral Reversed One Hundred U+02183 &#x2183; &#8579;   2183
Latin Small Letter Reversed C U+02184 &#x2184; &#8580;   2184
Roman Numeral Six Late Form U+02185 &#x2185; &#8581;   2185
Roman Numeral Fifty Early Form U+02186 &#x2186; &#8582;   2186
Vulgar Fraction Zero Thirds U+02189 &#x2189; &#8585;   2189


Exclamation Mark ! U+00021 &#x21; &#33; &excl; 021
Quotation Mark U+00022 &#x22; &#34; &quot; 022
Number Sign # U+00023 &#x23; &#35; &num; 023
Percent Sign % U+00025 &#x25; &#37; &percnt; 025
Ampersand & U+00026 &#x26; &#38; &amp; 026
Apostrophe U+00027 &#x27; &#39; &apos; 027
Left Parenthesis ( U+00028 &#x28; &#40; &lpar; 028
Right Parenthesis ) U+00029 &#x29; &#41; &rpar; 029
Asterisk * U+0002A &#x2a; &#42; &ast; 02A
Comma , U+0002C &#x2c; &#44; &comma; 02C
Period . U+0002E &#x2e; &#46; &period; 02E
Slash / U+0002F &#x2f; &#47; &sol; 02F
Colon : U+0003A &#x3a; &#58; &colon; 03A
Semicolon ; U+0003B &#x3b; &#59; &semi; 03B
Question Mark ? U+0003F &#x3f; &#63; &quest; 03F
At Symbol @ U+00040 &#x40; &#64; &commat; 040
Left Bracket [ U+0005B &#x5b; &#91; &lbrack; 05B
Backslash U+0005C &#x5c; &#92; &bsol; 05C
Right Bracket ] U+0005D &#x5d; &#93; &rbrack; 05D
Caret ^ U+0005E &#x5e; &#94; &Hat 05E
Underscore _ U+0005F &#x5f; &#95; &lowbar; 05F
Grave Accent ` U+00060 &#x60; &#96; &grave; 060
Left Brace { U+0007B &#x7b; &#123; &lbrace; 07B
Vertical Bar | U+0007C &#x7c; &#124; &vert; 07C
Right Brace } U+0007D &#x7d; &#125; &rbrace; 07D
Tilde ~ U+0007E &#x7e; &#126; &tilde; 07E
Non-breaking Space U+000A0 &#xa0; &#160; &nbsp; 0A0
Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡ U+000A1 &#xa1; &#161; &iexcl; 0A1
Broken Vertical Bar ¦ U+000A6 &#xa6; &#166; &brvbar; 0A6
Section Sign § U+000A7 &#xa7; &#167; &sect; 0A7
Umlaut ¨ U+000A8 &#xa8; &#168; &uml; 0A8
Copyright Sign © U+000A9 &#xa9; &#169; &copy; 0A9
Feminine Ordinal Indicator ª U+000AA &#xaa; &#170; &ordf; 0AA
Double Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark « U+000AB &#xab; &#171; &laquo; 0AB
Not Sign ¬ U+000AC &#xac; &#172; &not; 0AC
Soft Hyphen ­ U+000AD &#xad; &#173; &shy; 0AD
Registered Trade Mark Sign ® U+000AE &#xae; &#174; &reg; 0AE
Spacing Macron ¯ U+000AF &#xaf; &#175; &macr; 0AF
Superscript Two ² U+000B2 &#xb2; &#178; &sup2; 0B2
Superscript Three ³ U+000B3 &#xb3; &#179; &sup3; 0B3
Acute Accent ´ U+000B4 &#xb4; &#180; &acute; 0B4
Micro Sign µ U+000B5 &#xb5; &#181; &micro; 0B5
Paragraph Sign U+000B6 &#xb6; &#182; &para; 0B6
Middle Dot · U+000B7 &#xb7; &#183; &middot; 0B7
Spacing Cedilla ¸ U+000B8 &#xb8; &#184; &cedil; 0B8
Superscript One ¹ U+000B9 &#xb9; &#185; &sup1; 0B9
Masculine Ordinal Indicator º U+000BA &#xba; &#186; &ordm; 0BA
Double Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark » U+000BB &#xbb; &#187; &raquo; 0BB
Inverted Question Mark ¿ U+000BF &#xbf; &#191; &iquest; 0BF
Hyphen U+02010 &#x2010; &#8208; &hyphen; 2010
Non-Breaking Hyphen U+02011 &#x2011; &#8209;   2011
Figure Dash U+02012 &#x2012; &#8210;   2012
En Dash U+02013 &#x2013; &#8211; &ndash; 2013
Em Dash U+02014 &#x2014; &#8212; &mdash; 2014
Horizontal Bar U+02015 &#x2015; &#8213; &horbar; 2015
Double Vertical Line U+02016 &#x2016; &#8214; &Vert; 2016
Double Low Line U+02017 &#x2017; &#8215;   2017
Left Single Quotation Mark U+02018 &#x2018; &#8216; &lsquo; 2018
Right Single Quotation Mark U+02019 &#x2019; &#8217; &rsquo; 2019
Single Low-9 Quotation Mark U+0201A &#x201A; &#8218; &sbquo; 201A
Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark U+0201B &#x201B; &#8219;   201B
Left Double Quotation Mark U+0201C &#x201C; &#8220; &ldquo; 201C
Right Double Quotation Mark U+0201D &#x201D; &#8221; &rdquo; 201D
Double Low-9 Quotation Mark U+0201E &#x201E; &#8222; &bdquo; 201E
Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark U+0201F &#x201F; &#8223;   201F
Dagger U+02020 &#x2020; &#8224; &dagger; 2020
Double Dagger U+02021 &#x2021; &#8225; &Dagger; 2021
Bullet U+02022 &#x2022; &#8226; &bull; 2022
Triangular Bullet U+02023 &#x2023; &#8227;   2023
One Dot Leader U+02024 &#x2024; &#8228;   2024
Two Dot Leader U+02025 &#x2025; &#8229; &nldr; 2025
Horizontal Ellipsis U+02026 &#x2026; &#8230; &hellip; 2026
Hyphenation Point U+02027 &#x2027; &#8231;   2027
Per Mille Sign U+02030 &#x2030; &#8240; &permil; 2030
Per Ten Thousand Sign U+02031 &#x2031; &#8241; &pertenk; 2031
Prime U+02032 &#x2032; &#8242; &prime; 2032
Double Prime U+02033 &#x2033; &#8243; &Prime; 2033
Triple Prime U+02034 &#x2034; &#8244; &tprime; 2034
Reversed Prime U+02035 &#x2035; &#8245; &bprime; 2035
Reversed Double Prime U+02036 &#x2036; &#8246;   2036
Reversed Triple Prime U+02037 &#x2037; &#8247;   2037
Caret U+02038 &#x2038; &#8248;   2038
Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark U+02039 &#x2039; &#8249; &lsaquo; 2039
Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark U+0203A &#x203A; &#8250; &rsaquo; 203A
Reference Mark U+0203B &#x203B; &#8251;   203B
Double Exclamation Mark U+0203C &#x203C; &#8252;   203C
Interrobang U+0203D &#x203D; &#8253;   203D
Overline U+0203E &#x203E; &#8254; &oline; 203E
Undertie U+0203F &#x203F; &#8255;   203F
Character Tie U+02040 &#x2040; &#8256;   2040
Caret Insertion Point U+02041 &#x2041; &#8257; &caret; 2041
Asterism U+02042 &#x2042; &#8258;   2042
Hyphen Bullet U+02043 &#x2043; &#8259; &hybull; 2043
Fraction Slash U+02044 &#x2044; &#8260; &frasl; 2044
Left Square Bracket With Quill U+02045 &#x2045; &#8261;   2045
Right Square Bracket With Quill U+02046 &#x2046; &#8262;   2046
Double Question Mark U+02047 &#x2047; &#8263;   2047
Question Exclamation Mark U+02048 &#x2048; &#8264;   2048
Exclamation Question Mark U+02049 &#x2049; &#8265;   2049
Tironian Sign Et U+0204A &#x204A; &#8266;   204A
Reversed Pilcrow Sign U+0204B &#x204B; &#8267;   204B
Black Left Bullet U+0204C &#x204C; &#8268;   204C
Black Right Bullet U+0204D &#x204D; &#8269;   204D
Low Asterisk U+0204E &#x204E; &#8270;   204E
Reversed Semicolon U+0204F &#x204F; &#8271; &bsemi; 204F
Close Up U+02050 &#x2050; &#8272;   2050
Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically U+02051 &#x2051; &#8273;   2051
Commercial Minus Sign U+02052 &#x2052; &#8274;   2052
Swung Dash U+02053 &#x2053; &#8275;   2053
Inverted Undertie U+02054 &#x2054; &#8276;   2054
Flower Punctuation Mark U+02055 &#x2055; &#8277;   2055
Three Dot Punctuation U+02056 &#x2056; &#8278;   2056
Quadruple Prime U+02057 &#x2057; &#8279; &qprime; 2057
Four Dot Punctuation U+02058 &#x2058; &#8280;   2058
Five Dot Punctuation U+02059 &#x2059; &#8281;   2059
Two Dot Punctuation U+0205A &#x205A; &#8282;   205A
Four Dot Mark U+0205B &#x205B; &#8283;   205B
Dotted Cross U+0205C &#x205C; &#8284;   205C
Tricolon U+0205D &#x205D; &#8285;   205D
Vertical Four Dots U+0205E &#x205E; &#8286;   205E
Trade Mark Sign U+02122 &#x2122; &#8482; &trade; 2122


Copyright Sign © U+000A9 &#xa9; &#169; &copy; 0A9
Registered Trade Mark Sign ® U+000AE &#xae; &#174; &reg; 0AE
Trade Mark Sign U+02122 &#x2122; &#8482; &trade; 2122
At Symbol @ U+00040 &#x40; &#64; &commat; 040
Paragraph Sign U+000B6 &#xb6; &#182; &para; 0B6
Section Sign § U+000A7 &#xa7; &#167; &sect; 0A7
Account Of U+02100 &#x2100; &#8448;   2100
Addressed to the Subject U+02101 &#x2101; &#8449;   2101
Double-Struck Capital C U+02102 &#x2102; &#8450; &Copf; 2102
Degree Celsius U+02103 &#x2103; &#8451;   2103
Centre Line Symbol U+02104 &#x2104; &#8452;   2104
Care Of U+02105 &#x2105; &#8453; &incare; 2105
Cada Una U+02106 &#x2106; &#8454;   2106
Euler Constant U+02107 &#x2107; &#8455;   2107
Scruple U+02108 &#x2108; &#8456;   2108
Degree Fahrenheit U+02109 &#x2109; &#8457;   2109
Script Small G U+0210A &#x210A; &#8458; &gscr; 210A
Script Capital H U+0210B &#x210B; &#8459; &hamilt; 210B
Black-Letter Capital H U+0210C &#x210C; &#8460; &Hfr; 210C
Double-Struck Capital H U+0210D &#x210D; &#8461; &Hopf; 210D
Planck Constant U+0210E &#x210E; &#8462; &planckh; 210E
Planck Constant Over Two Pi U+0210F &#x210F; &#8463; &planck; 210F
Script Capital I U+02110 &#x2110; &#8464; &Iscr; 2110
Black-Letter Capital I U+02111 &#x2111; &#8465; &image; 2111
Script Capital L U+02112 &#x2112; &#8466; &Lscr; 2112
Script Small L U+02113 &#x2113; &#8467; &ell; 2113
L B Bar Symbol U+02114 &#x2114; &#8468;   2114
Double-Struck Capital N U+02115 &#x2115; &#8469; &Nopf; 2115
Numero Sign U+02116 &#x2116; &#8470; &numero; 2116
Sound Recording Copyright U+02117 &#x2117; &#8471; &copysr; 2117
Script Capital P U+02118 &#x2118; &#8472; &weierp; 2118
Double-Struck Capital P U+02119 &#x2119; &#8473; &Popf; 2119
Double-Struck Capital Q U+0211A &#x211A; &#8474; &Qopf; 211A
Script Capital R U+0211B &#x211B; &#8475; &Rscr; 211B
Black-Letter Capital R U+0211C &#x211C; &#8476; &real; 211C
Double-Struck Capital R U+0211D &#x211D; &#8477; &Ropf; 211D
Prescription Take U+0211E &#x211E; &#8478; &rx; 211E
Response U+0211F &#x211F; &#8479;   211F
Service Mark U+02120 &#x2120; &#8480;   2120
Telephone Sign U+02121 &#x2121; &#8481;   2121
Versicle U+02123 &#x2123; &#8483;   2123
Double-Struck Capital Z U+02124 &#x2124; &#8484; &Zopf; 2124
Ounce Sign U+02125 &#x2125; &#8485;   2125
Ohm Sign U+02126 &#x2126; &#8486;   2126
Inverted Ohm Sign U+02127 &#x2127; &#8487; &mho; 2127
Black-Letter Capital Z U+02128 &#x2128; &#8488; &Zfr; 2128
Turned Greek Small Letter Iota U+02129 &#x2129; &#8489; &iiota; 2129
Kelvin Sign U+0212A &#x212A; &#8490;   212A
Angstrom Sign U+0212B &#x212B; &#8491;   212B
Script Capital B U+0212C &#x212C; &#8492; &bernou; 212C
Black-Letter Capital C U+0212D &#x212D; &#8493; &Cfr; 212D
Estimated Symbol U+0212E &#x212E; &#8494;   212E
Script Small E U+0212F &#x212F; &#8495; &escr; 212F
Script Capital E U+02130 &#x2130; &#8496; &Escr; 2130
Script Capital F U+02131 &#x2131; &#8497; &Fscr; 2131
Turned Capital F U+02132 &#x2132; &#8498;   2132
Script Capital M U+02133 &#x2133; &#8499; &Mscr; 2133
Script Small O U+02134 &#x2134; &#8500; &oscr; 2134
Alef Symbol U+02135 &#x2135; &#8501; &alefsym; 2135
Bet Symbol U+02136 &#x2136; &#8502; &beth; 2136
Gimel Symbol U+02137 &#x2137; &#8503; &gimel; 2137
Dalet Symbol U+02138 &#x2138; &#8504; &daleth; 2138
Information Source U+02139 &#x2139; &#8505;   2139
Rotated Capital Q U+0213A &#x213A; &#8506;   213A
Facsimile Sign U+0213B &#x213B; &#8507;   213B
Double-Struck Small Pi U+0213C &#x213C; &#8508;   213C
Double-Struck Small Gamma U+0213D &#x213D; &#8509;   213D
Double-Struck Capital Gamma U+0213E &#x213E; &#8510;   213E
Double-Struck Capital Pi U+0213F &#x213F; &#8511;   213F
Double-Struck N-Ary Summation U+02140 &#x2140; &#8512;   2140
Turned Sans-Serif Capital G U+02141 &#x2141; &#8513;   2141
Turned Sans-Serif Capital L U+02142 &#x2142; &#8514;   2142
Reversed Sans-Serif Capital L U+02143 &#x2143; &#8515;   2143
Turned Sans-Serif Capital Y U+02144 &#x2144; &#8516;   2144
Double-Struck Italic Capital D U+02145 &#x2145; &#8517; &DD; 2145
Double-Struck Italic Small D U+02146 &#x2146; &#8518; &dd; 2146
Double-Struck Italic Small E U+02147 &#x2147; &#8519; &ee; 2147
Double-Struck Italic Small I U+02148 &#x2148; &#8520; &ii; 2148
Double-Struck Italic Small J U+02149 &#x2149; &#8521;   2149
Property Line U+0214A &#x214A; &#8522;   214A
Turned Ampersand U+0214B &#x214B; &#8523;   214B
Aktieselskab U+0214D &#x214D; &#8525;   214D
Turned Small F U+0214E &#x214E; &#8526;   214E
Black Sun With Rays U+02600 &#x2600; &#9728;   2600
Cloud U+02601 &#x2601; &#9729;   2601
Umbrella U+02602 &#x2602; &#9730;   2602
Snowman U+02603 &#x2603; &#9731;   2603
Comet U+02604 &#x2604; &#9732;   2604
Black Star U+02605 &#x2605; &#9733; &starf; 2605
White Star U+02606 &#x2606; &#9734; &star; 2606
Lightning U+02607 &#x2607; &#9735;   2607
Thunderstorm U+02608 &#x2608; &#9736;   2608
Sun U+02609 &#x2609; &#9737;   2609
Ascending Node U+0260A &#x260A; &#9738;   260A
Descending Node U+0260B &#x260B; &#9739;   260B
Conjunction U+0260C &#x260C; &#9740;   260C
Opposition U+0260D &#x260D; &#9741;   260D
Black Telephone U+0260E &#x260E; &#9742; &phone; 260E
White Telephone U+0260F &#x260F; &#9743;   260F
Ballot Box U+02610 &#x2610; &#9744;   2610
Ballot Box With Check U+02611 &#x2611; &#9745;   2611
Ballot Box With X U+02612 &#x2612; &#9746;   2612
Saltire U+02613 &#x2613; &#9747;   2613
White Shogi Piece U+02616 &#x2616; &#9750;   2616
Black Shogi Piece U+02617 &#x2617; &#9751;   2617
Shamrock U+02618 &#x2618; &#9752;   2618
Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet U+02619 &#x2619; &#9753;   2619
Black Left Pointing Index U+0261A &#x261A; &#9754;   261A
Black Right Pointing Index U+0261B &#x261B; &#9755;   261B
White Left Pointing Index U+0261C &#x261C; &#9756;   261C
White Up Pointing Index U+0261D &#x261D; &#9757;   261D
White Right Pointing Index U+0261E &#x261E; &#9758;   261E
White Down Pointing Index U+0261F &#x261F; &#9759;   261F
Skull and Crossbones U+02620 &#x2620; &#9760;   2620
Caution Sign U+02621 &#x2621; &#9761;   2621
Radioactive Sign U+02622 &#x2622; &#9762;   2622
Biohazard Sign U+02623 &#x2623; &#9763;   2623
Caduceus U+02624 &#x2624; &#9764;   2624
Ankh U+02625 &#x2625; &#9765;   2625
Orthodox Cross U+02626 &#x2626; &#9766;   2626
Chi Rho U+02627 &#x2627; &#9767;   2627
Cross of Lorraine U+02628 &#x2628; &#9768;   2628
Cross of Jerusalem U+02629 &#x2629; &#9769;   2629
Star and Crescent U+0262A &#x262A; &#9770;   262A
Farsi Symbol U+0262B &#x262B; &#9771;   262B
Adi Shakti U+0262C &#x262C; &#9772;   262C
Hammer and Sickle U+0262D &#x262D; &#9773;   262D
Peace Symbol U+0262E &#x262E; &#9774;   262E
Yin Yang U+0262F &#x262F; &#9775;   262F
Trigram for Heaven U+02630 &#x2630; &#9776;   2630
Trigram for Lake U+02631 &#x2631; &#9777;   2631
Trigram for Fire U+02632 &#x2632; &#9778;   2632
Trigram for Thunder U+02633 &#x2633; &#9779;   2633
Trigram for Wind U+02634 &#x2634; &#9780;   2634
Trigram for Water U+02635 &#x2635; &#9781;   2635
Trigram for Mountain U+02636 &#x2636; &#9782;   2636
Trigram for Earth U+02637 &#x2637; &#9783;   2637
Wheel of Dharma U+02638 &#x2638; &#9784;   2638
White Frowning Face U+02639 &#x2639; &#9785;   2639
White Smiling Face U+0263A &#x263A; &#9786;   263A
Black Smiling Face U+0263B &#x263B; &#9787;   263B
White Sun With Rays U+0263C &#x263C; &#9788;   263C
First Quarter Moon U+0263D &#x263D; &#9789;   263D
Last Quarter Moon U+0263E &#x263E; &#9790;   263E
Mercury U+0263F &#x263F; &#9791;   263F
Female Sign U+02640 &#x2640; &#9792; &female; 2640
Earth U+02641 &#x2641; &#9793;   2641
Male Sign U+02642 &#x2642; &#9794; &male; 2642
Jupiter U+02643 &#x2643; &#9795;   2643
Saturn U+02644 &#x2644; &#9796;   2644
Uranus U+02645 &#x2645; &#9797;   2645
Neptune U+02646 &#x2646; &#9798;   2646
Pluto U+02647 &#x2647; &#9799;   2647
White Chess King U+02654 &#x2654; &#9812;   2654
White Chess Queen U+02655 &#x2655; &#9813;   2655
White Chess Rook U+02656 &#x2656; &#9814;   2656
White Chess Bishop U+02657 &#x2657; &#9815;   2657
White Chess Knight U+02658 &#x2658; &#9816;   2658
White Chess Pawn U+02659 &#x2659; &#9817;   2659
Black Chess King U+0265A &#x265A; &#9818;   265A
Black Chess Queen U+0265B &#x265B; &#9819;   265B
Black Chess Rook U+0265C &#x265C; &#9820;   265C
Black Chess Bishop U+0265D &#x265D; &#9821;   265D
Black Chess Knight U+0265E &#x265E; &#9822;   265E
Black Chess Pawn U+0265F &#x265F; &#9823;   265F
Black Spade Suit U+02660 &#x2660; &#9824; &spades; 2660
White Heart Suit U+02661 &#x2661; &#9825;   2661
White Diamond Suit U+02662 &#x2662; &#9826;   2662
Black Club Suit U+02663 &#x2663; &#9827; &clubs; 2663
White Spade Suit U+02664 &#x2664; &#9828;   2664
Black Heart Suit U+02665 &#x2665; &#9829; &hearts; 2665
Black Diamond Suit U+02666 &#x2666; &#9830; &diams; 2666
White Club Suit U+02667 &#x2667; &#9831;   2667
Hot Springs U+02668 &#x2668; &#9832;   2668
Quarter Note U+02669 &#x2669; &#9833;   2669
Eighth Note U+0266A &#x266A; &#9834; &sung; 266A
Beamed Eighth Notes U+0266B &#x266B; &#9835;   266B
Beamed Sixteenth Notes U+0266C &#x266C; &#9836;   266C
Music Flat Sign U+0266D &#x266D; &#9837; &flat; 266D
Music Natural Sign U+0266E &#x266E; &#9838; &natural; 266E
Music Sharp Sign U+0266F &#x266F; &#9839; &sharp; 266F
West Syriac Cross U+02670 &#x2670; &#9840;   2670
East Syriac Cross U+02671 &#x2671; &#9841;   2671
Universal Recycling Symbol U+02672 &#x2672; &#9842;   2672
Recycling Symbol for Type-1 Plastics U+02673 &#x2673; &#9843;   2673
Recycling Symbol for Type-2 Plastics U+02674 &#x2674; &#9844;   2674
Recycling Symbol for Type-3 Plastics U+02675 &#x2675; &#9845;   2675
Recycling Symbol for Type-4 Plastics U+02676 &#x2676; &#9846;   2676
Recycling Symbol for Type-5 Plastics U+02677 &#x2677; &#9847;   2677
Recycling Symbol for Type-6 Plastics U+02678 &#x2678; &#9848;   2678
Recycling Symbol for Type-7 Plastics U+02679 &#x2679; &#9849;   2679
Recycling Symbol for Generic Materials U+0267A &#x267A; &#9850;   267A
Black Universal Recycling Symbol U+0267B &#x267B; &#9851;   267B
Recycled Paper Symbol U+0267C &#x267C; &#9852;   267C
Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol U+0267D &#x267D; &#9853;   267D
Permanent Paper Sign U+0267E &#x267E; &#9854;   267E
Die Face-1 U+02680 &#x2680; &#9856;   2680
Die Face-2 U+02681 &#x2681; &#9857;   2681
Die Face-3 U+02682 &#x2682; &#9858;   2682
Die Face-4 U+02683 &#x2683; &#9859;   2683
Die Face-5 U+02684 &#x2684; &#9860;   2684
Die Face-6 U+02685 &#x2685; &#9861;   2685
White Circle With Dot Right U+02686 &#x2686; &#9862;   2686
White Circle With Two Dots U+02687 &#x2687; &#9863;   2687
Black Circle With White Dot Right U+02688 &#x2688; &#9864;   2688
Black Circle With Two White Dots U+02689 &#x2689; &#9865;   2689
Monogram for Yang U+0268A &#x268A; &#9866;   268A
Monogram for Yin U+0268B &#x268B; &#9867;   268B
Digram for Greater Yang U+0268C &#x268C; &#9868;   268C
Digram for Lesser Yin U+0268D &#x268D; &#9869;   268D
Digram for Lesser Yang U+0268E &#x268E; &#9870;   268E
Digram for Greater Yin U+0268F &#x268F; &#9871;   268F
White Flag U+02690 &#x2690; &#9872;   2690
Black Flag U+02691 &#x2691; &#9873;   2691
Hammer and Pick U+02692 &#x2692; &#9874;   2692
Crossed Swords U+02694 &#x2694; &#9876;   2694
Staff of Aesculapius U+02695 &#x2695; &#9877;   2695
Scales U+02696 &#x2696; &#9878;   2696
Alembic U+02697 &#x2697; &#9879;   2697
Flower U+02698 &#x2698; &#9880;   2698
Gear U+02699 &#x2699; &#9881;   2699
Staff of Hermes U+0269A &#x269A; &#9882;   269A
Atom Symbol U+0269B &#x269B; &#9883;   269B
Fleur-De-Lis U+0269C &#x269C; &#9884;   269C
Outlined White Star U+0269D &#x269D; &#9885;   269D
Three Lines Converging Right U+0269E &#x269E; &#9886;   269E
Three Lines Converging Left U+0269F &#x269F; &#9887;   269F
Warning Sign U+026A0 &#x26A0; &#9888;   26A0
Doubled Female Sign U+026A2 &#x26A2; &#9890;   26A2
Doubled Male Sign U+026A3 &#x26A3; &#9891;   26A3
Interlocked Female and Male Sign U+026A4 &#x26A4; &#9892;   26A4
Male and Female Sign U+026A5 &#x26A5; &#9893;   26A5
Male With Stroke Sign U+026A6 &#x26A6; &#9894;   26A6
Male With Stroke and Male and Female Sign U+026A7 &#x26A7; &#9895;   26A7
Vertical Male With Stroke Sign U+026A8 &#x26A8; &#9896;   26A8
Horizontal Male With Stroke Sign U+026A9 &#x26A9; &#9897;   26A9
Medium Small White Circle U+026AC &#x26AC; &#9900;   26AC
Marriage Symbol U+026AD &#x26AD; &#9901;   26AD
Divorce Symbol U+026AE &#x26AE; &#9902;   26AE
Unmarried Partnership Symbol U+026AF &#x26AF; &#9903;   26AF
Coffin U+026B0 &#x26B0; &#9904;   26B0
Funeral Urn U+026B1 &#x26B1; &#9905;   26B1
Neuter U+026B2 &#x26B2; &#9906;   26B2
Baseball U+026BE &#x26BE; &#9918;   26BE
Astronomical Symbol for Uranus U+026E2 &#x26E2; &#9954;   26E2
Upper Blade Scissors U+02701 &#x2701; &#9985;   2701
Black Scissors U+02702 &#x2702; &#9986;   2702
Lower Blade Scissors U+02703 &#x2703; &#9987;   2703
White Scissors U+02704 &#x2704; &#9988;   2704
Telephone Location Sign U+02706 &#x2706; &#9990;   2706
Tape Drive U+02707 &#x2707; &#9991;   2707
Airplane U+02708 &#x2708; &#9992;   2708
Envelope U+02709 &#x2709; &#9993;   2709
Victory Hand U+0270C &#x270C; &#9996;   270C
Writing Hand U+0270D &#x270D; &#9997;   270D
Lower Right Pencil U+0270E &#x270E; &#9998;   270E
Pencil U+0270F &#x270F; &#9999;   270F
Upper Right Pencil U+02710 &#x2710; &#10000;   2710
White Nib U+02711 &#x2711; &#10001;   2711
Black Nib U+02712 &#x2712; &#10002;   2712
Check Mark U+02713 &#x2713; &#10003; &check; 2713
Heavy Check Mark U+02714 &#x2714; &#10004;   2714
Multiplication X U+02715 &#x2715; &#10005;   2715
Heavy Multiplication X U+02716 &#x2716; &#10006;   2716
Ballot X U+02717 &#x2717; &#10007; &cross; 2717
Heavy Ballot X U+02718 &#x2718; &#10008;   2718
Outlined Greek Cross U+02719 &#x2719; &#10009;   2719
Heavy Greek Cross U+0271A &#x271A; &#10010;   271A
Open Centre Cross U+0271B &#x271B; &#10011;   271B
Heavy Open Centre Cross U+0271C &#x271C; &#10012;   271C
Latin Cross U+0271D &#x271D; &#10013;   271D
Shadowed White Latin Cross U+0271E &#x271E; &#10014;   271E
Outlined Latin Cross U+0271F &#x271F; &#10015;   271F
Maltese Cross U+02720 &#x2720; &#10016; &malt; 2720
Star of David U+02721 &#x2721; &#10017;   2721
Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk U+02722 &#x2722; &#10018;   2722
Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk U+02723 &#x2723; &#10019;   2723
Heavy Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk U+02724 &#x2724; &#10020;   2724
Four Club-Spoked Asterisk U+02725 &#x2725; &#10021;   2725
Black Four Pointed Star U+02726 &#x2726; &#10022;   2726
White Four Pointed Star U+02727 &#x2727; &#10023;   2727
Stress Outlined White Star U+02729 &#x2729; &#10025;   2729
Circled White Star U+0272A &#x272A; &#10026;   272A
Open Centre Black Star U+0272B &#x272B; &#10027;   272B
Black Centre White Star U+0272C &#x272C; &#10028;   272C
Outlined Black Star U+0272D &#x272D; &#10029;   272D
Heavy Outlined Black Star U+0272E &#x272E; &#10030;   272E
Pinwheel Star U+0272F &#x272F; &#10031;   272F
Shadowed White Star U+02730 &#x2730; &#10032;   2730
Heavy Asterisk U+02731 &#x2731; &#10033;   2731
Open Centre Asterisk U+02732 &#x2732; &#10034;   2732
Eight Spoked Asterisk U+02733 &#x2733; &#10035;   2733
Eight Pointed Black Star U+02734 &#x2734; &#10036;   2734
Eight Pointed Pinwheel Star U+02735 &#x2735; &#10037;   2735
Six Pointed Black Star U+02736 &#x2736; &#10038; &sext; 2736
Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star U+02737 &#x2737; &#10039;   2737
Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star U+02738 &#x2738; &#10040;   2738
Twelve Pointed Black Star U+02739 &#x2739; &#10041;   2739
Sixteen Pointed Asterisk U+0273A &#x273A; &#10042;   273A
Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk U+0273B &#x273B; &#10043;   273B
Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk U+0273C &#x273C; &#10044;   273C
Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk U+0273D &#x273D; &#10045;   273D
Six Petalled Black and White Florette U+0273E &#x273E; &#10046;   273E
Black Florette U+0273F &#x273F; &#10047;   273F
White Florette U+02740 &#x2740; &#10048;   2740
Eight Petalled Outlined Black Florette U+02741 &#x2741; &#10049;   2741
Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star U+02742 &#x2742; &#10050;   2742
Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk U+02743 &#x2743; &#10051;   2743
Snowflake U+02744 &#x2744; &#10052;   2744
Tight Trifoliate Snowflake U+02745 &#x2745; &#10053;   2745
Heavy Chevron Snowflake U+02746 &#x2746; &#10054;   2746
Sparkle U+02747 &#x2747; &#10055;   2747
Heavy Sparkle U+02748 &#x2748; &#10056;   2748
Balloon-Spoked Asterisk U+02749 &#x2749; &#10057;   2749
Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk U+0274A &#x274A; &#10058;   274A
Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk U+0274B &#x274B; &#10059;   274B
Shadowed White Circle U+0274D &#x274D; &#10061;   274D
Lower Right Drop-Shadowed White Square U+0274F &#x274F; &#10063;   274F
Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White Square U+02750 &#x2750; &#10064;   2750
Lower Right Shadowed White Square U+02751 &#x2751; &#10065;   2751
Upper Right Shadowed White Square U+02752 &#x2752; &#10066;   2752
Black Diamond Minus White X U+02756 &#x2756; &#10070;   2756
Light Vertical Bar U+02758 &#x2758; &#10072; &VerticalSeparator; 2758
Medium Vertical Bar U+02759 &#x2759; &#10073;   2759
Heavy Vertical Bar U+0275A &#x275A; &#10074;   275A
Heavy Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament U+0275B &#x275B; &#10075;   275B
Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament U+0275C &#x275C; &#10076;   275C
Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament U+0275D &#x275D; &#10077;   275D
Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament U+0275E &#x275E; &#10078;   275E
Curved Stem Paragraph Sign Ornament U+02761 &#x2761; &#10081;   2761
Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament U+02762 &#x2762; &#10082;   2762
Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament U+02763 &#x2763; &#10083;   2763
Heavy Black Heart U+02764 &#x2764; &#10084;   2764
Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet U+02765 &#x2765; &#10085;   2765
Floral Heart U+02766 &#x2766; &#10086;   2766
Rotated Floral Heart Bullet U+02767 &#x2767; &#10087;   2767
Medium Left Parenthesis Ornament U+02768 &#x2768; &#10088;   2768
Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament U+02769 &#x2769; &#10089;   2769
Medium Flattened Left Parenthesis Ornament U+0276A &#x276A; &#10090;   276A
Medium Flattened Right Parenthesis Ornament U+0276B &#x276B; &#10091;   276B
Medium Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament U+0276C &#x276C; &#10092;   276C
Medium Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament U+0276D &#x276D; &#10093;   276D
Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament U+0276E &#x276E; &#10094;   276E
Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament U+0276F &#x276F; &#10095;   276F
Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament U+02770 &#x2770; &#10096;   2770
Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament U+02771 &#x2771; &#10097;   2771
Light Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament U+02772 &#x2772; &#10098; &lbbrk; 2772
Light Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament U+02773 &#x2773; &#10099; &rbbrk; 2773
Medium Left Curly Bracket Ornament U+02774 &#x2774; &#10100;   2774
Medium Right Curly Bracket Ornament U+02775 &#x2775; &#10101;   2775
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit One U+02776 &#x2776; &#10102;   2776
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Two U+02777 &#x2777; &#10103;   2777
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Three U+02778 &#x2778; &#10104;   2778
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Four U+02779 &#x2779; &#10105;   2779
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five U+0277A &#x277A; &#10106;   277A
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Six U+0277B &#x277B; &#10107;   277B
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Seven U+0277C &#x277C; &#10108;   277C
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Eight U+0277D &#x277D; &#10109;   277D
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Nine U+0277E &#x277E; &#10110;   277E
Dingbat Negative Circled Number Ten U+0277F &#x277F; &#10111;   277F
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One U+02780 &#x2780; &#10112;   2780
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two U+02781 &#x2781; &#10113;   2781
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three U+02782 &#x2782; &#10114;   2782
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four U+02783 &#x2783; &#10115;   2783
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five U+02784 &#x2784; &#10116;   2784
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six U+02785 &#x2785; &#10117;   2785
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven U+02786 &#x2786; &#10118;   2786
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight U+02787 &#x2787; &#10119;   2787
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine U+02788 &#x2788; &#10120;   2788
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten U+02789 &#x2789; &#10121;   2789
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One U+0278A &#x278A; &#10122;   278A
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two U+0278B &#x278B; &#10123;   278B
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three U+0278C &#x278C; &#10124;   278C
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four U+0278D &#x278D; &#10125;   278D
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five U+0278E &#x278E; &#10126;   278E
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six U+0278F &#x278F; &#10127;   278F
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven U+02790 &#x2790; &#10128;   2790
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight U+02791 &#x2791; &#10129;   2791
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine U+02792 &#x2792; &#10130;   2792
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten U+02793 &#x2793; &#10131;   2793
Heavy Wide-Headed Right Arrow U+02794 &#x2794; &#10132;   2794
Heavy South East Arrow U+02798 &#x2798; &#10136;   2798
Heavy Right Arrow U+02799 &#x2799; &#10137;   2799
Heavy North East Arrow U+0279A &#x279A; &#10138;   279A
Drafting Point Right Arrow U+0279B &#x279B; &#10139;   279B
Heavy Round-Tipped Right Arrow U+0279C &#x279C; &#10140;   279C
Triangle-Headed Right Arrow U+0279D &#x279D; &#10141;   279D
Heavy Triangle-Headed Right Arrow U+0279E &#x279E; &#10142;   279E
Dashed Triangle-Headed Right Arrow U+0279F &#x279F; &#10143;   279F
Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Right Arrow U+027A0 &#x27A0; &#10144;   27A0
Black Right Arrow U+027A1 &#x27A1; &#10145;   27A1
Three-D Top-Lighted Right Arrowhead U+027A2 &#x27A2; &#10146;   27A2
Three-D Bottom-Lighted Right Arrowhead U+027A3 &#x27A3; &#10147;   27A3
Black Right Arrowhead U+027A4 &#x27A4; &#10148;   27A4
Heavy Black Curved Down and Right Arrow U+027A5 &#x27A5; &#10149;   27A5
Heavy Black Curved Up and Right Arrow U+027A6 &#x27A6; &#10150;   27A6
Squat Black Right Arrow U+027A7 &#x27A7; &#10151;   27A7
Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Right Arrow U+027A8 &#x27A8; &#10152;   27A8
Right-Shaded White Right Arrow U+027A9 &#x27A9; &#10153;   27A9
Left-Shaded White Right Arrow U+027AA &#x27AA; &#10154;   27AA
Back-Tilted Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AB &#x27AB; &#10155;   27AB
Front-Tilted Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AC &#x27AC; &#10156;   27AC
Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AD &#x27AD; &#10157;   27AD
Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AE &#x27AE; &#10158;   27AE
Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027AF &#x27AF; &#10159;   27AF
Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Right Arrow U+027B1 &#x27B1; &#10161;   27B1
Circled Heavy White Right Arrow U+027B2 &#x27B2; &#10162;   27B2
White-Feathered Right Arrow U+027B3 &#x27B3; &#10163;   27B3
Black-Feathered South East Arrow U+027B4 &#x27B4; &#10164;   27B4
Black-Feathered Right Arrow U+027B5 &#x27B5; &#10165;   27B5
Black-Feathered North East Arrow U+027B6 &#x27B6; &#10166;   27B6
Heavy Black-Feathered South East Arrow U+027B7 &#x27B7; &#10167;   27B7
Heavy Black-Feathered Right Arrow U+027B8 &#x27B8; &#10168;   27B8
Heavy Black-Feathered North East Arrow U+027B9 &#x27B9; &#10169;   27B9
Teardrop-Barbed Right Arrow U+027BA &#x27BA; &#10170;   27BA
Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Right Arrow U+027BB &#x27BB; &#10171;   27BB
Wedge-Tailed Right Arrow U+027BC &#x27BC; &#10172;   27BC
Heavy Wedge-Tailed Right Arrow U+027BD &#x27BD; &#10173;   27BD
Open-Outlined Right Arrow U+027BE &#x27BE; &#10174;   27BE